+10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000x99999999Online verbal (especially sexual ) abusing should not be tolerated at all times. Especially in CH where we are all part of an online family which Admin has spent a considerable amount of time, resources and effort in creating an exceptional real time strategy game. Deep thanks to all of the responses and support you have given to this post.
Admin, I would also like to bring to your attention that the player Ozzi is a 14 year old boy and it is disturbing news for all concerned players and especially parents with children.
It would be deeply appreciated if you can keep us in the loop regarding the investigation findings.
Lastly, I know it is not in our place to recommend appropriate disciplinary actions (Although it wuld be fantastic if his account can be ban for a month to serve as a warning to all perverts!) but again, as a concerned player and for all concerned parents, Admin has to do something and make it right to prevent future occurrences.