by elletopo
1- offhands are often invisible and the movement of my character shows that it's only using the mainhand during a fight even that the offhand is equipped.
2- to click on skills to use while leveling, i have to spam every button. i reported this in beta android and you fixed the buttons made them more sensitive. now the buttons are back to no sensitivity, the spamming of each skill to click causes my character to die while leveling, especially that only half of the skills get used. please make skills on hotbar more sensitive to touch. im using ipad air.
3- longshot skill does not work. especially on trolls. it pins the troll with let's say 3000damage, but the hp of the troll stays the same. only after around 3 seconds the hp of the troll goes down. i tested it while leveling with a mage. i pin the troll with longshot, then my mage friend lures it, the troll ends up attacking the mage not me, even that he only lured it and i did the 3000 damage with longshot. it's possible that the damage was taken but just that the troll is super slow to react.
4- the big names of other people change if they log to an area where I'm already in it, if other people change gear or fashion, i noticed it on my alts by testing a few devices together. when i change their gear or make them log to the game, the name sizes grow huge.
5- quests page: i reported this so many times. when i finish a quest and click the quest page, the quest which i finish is supposed to be open on the quest page. still no answer from you about fixing this. it is very annoying especially if i got 20 quests on my quests page. please create a shortcut from a completed quest to the quest page.
6- the clan message window, i cannot click "return" button to go down to the next sentence! when i click the return button in clan message window, the window closes and then i have to open and re-edit my message again. also the button to get iut of the window by clicking the back button, is gone! also, please create an edit message button. no need to retype the message completely. it makes out lives way easier.
7- when someone tries to group me and let's say I'm in a group and decide to leave it in order to accept group invitation to this new person, i cannot do this option anymore! i end up rejecting the new group request, in order to leave my previous group, then send a group invitation again to the person who grouped me. this is very annoying!
8- the idea of pages in areas and clan list is super irritating. im trying to group a person in an area who just logged, he's on page 2. someone decides to log out from page1, then his name suddenly jumps to page1 list, i lose that person and then i have to go to page 1 to group that person. life so hard right now with pages. i have to search for a few minutes to find a clannie in my clan. also the ranks aren't right. you got a recruit on top page, then a general, then chief, then guardian. it's so random.
9- the chat: when I'm chatting while leveling, i used to be able to click on skills and still chat in the same time. now all the skills get cancelled and locked if the chat bar is lifted. it's like either i can chat or i can clik on skills. it's very unfortunate that i cannot do both in the same time. it's a little dangerous for end bosses too. please bring it back to how it was.
warrior 229
rogue 230
druid 228
ranger 228
mage 200
say no to dominant clans.