true... i dont understand dkp tho, imma have to look it upI have to say on Danu I would live to convert to a DKP system, partially because im just unlucky with the dice- being in the clan for a year and a half and only winning things by default with the exception of one. Then losing to someone who only logs for hrung or mordris and not dl. Maybe its selfish but i hate seeing a drop go to someone who might log once a week/month for 30 minutes instead of it going to someone deserving who puts the time in regardless if its me or not.on danu we roll for dl drops if you need them. whoever gets the drop hands in to gaurd/gen to hold then people (who need) roll. Most of the inactive people on our world have full dl so they don't roll if they are on and go to the boss. ooooh also Mains over Alts is another rule, if a main needs and an alt needs it goes to the main.Dicing for dl/raid drops always tends to lower your clans longelivity.
If your most active toons dont get drops while inactive lucky rollers do, the results will be on display at locks if you have those, not to mention on all boss fights. Always love what dice supporters have to say regarding this. "Its faster and easier"
It just seems like a slap on the face to me. #BanDice
Re: Dicing: How does your server/clan dice Big Boss drops?
#31220 rogue: XxDiabloxX