All edl bosses are meant to be killed before they rage. And that means 15 min at most fo each edl 6 star. If they can be killed in 5 min with a full group of 8 players then I would say it is way too easy. And edl bosses like Unox 6 is like a mini endgame boss which u need some strategy and enough players to kill.
Imo the otherworld bosses and even the carrow bosses required way more strategical thinking to kill when they were new to the game, it seems to me the EDL boss types were made easier
I mean where are the cloaks? The shields? The little exploding adds? The 50% boss moves?
Edl bosses were made too easy imo they shouldn't just be massive hp and chip away , less hp would be fine if they had some skills to use against us.