Ok first off why was evade put on ??? This makes mobs really hard for me to solo specially if it a couple lvls highers than me. When I fight higher level mobs I cast sneaky as an advantage to get more dents in it but then the dumb skill eveades and I have to sit there an wait until I can cast again so I can kill it. Not only does that happen but what up with sneaky,quick strike,and rend???? First off sneaky cant cast fast anymore lie it used to so no when I dont want someone jacking my mob I have to stand there and wait like a min for it to cast while others like mages cast all there skills very fast. Also, I have noticed that with rend. Last but not least, quick strike seems like it takes a a longer time to cast an man that sucks I see rangers hitting really fast and they are alot lower than me and im mostly all dps. On last update I wa able to dominate specially with wk dagger but now I suck horribly
Why did they put it on, you ask?
This game is developing. Its growing, its evolving. It is no longer automatic, where every hit is a score and you can kill a mob just like that. it was put in because the game needs an attribute which it can rely on to determine when to issue an evasion in a bossfight, in other words to make determining the outcome more accurate.
Having said that, ill admit this: (and not wanting to contradict myself either) i think sneaky may have been nerfed a lil much because it feels as though it has had far more damage removed, and now the evasion mechanism is coming down harder on it for some reason. based on seemingly legitimate data collected over a few days - Sneaky only hits maybe once in every 4/5 time QS and Rend do. for bossfights this is even more so, although it may explain itself just a little if you were to say well, its a boss, its meant to be hard to hit.
you think the rangers are quicker dps than you, dont use wk dagger, duh.