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Re: Doch gul set

It really is too bad there isn't a resource out there that can help answer this question.

What are the stats of the Doch Gul Armour sets?

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A n e x a n d e r
Ranger of Avalon
When you are dead, you don't know you are dead. It is difficult only for others. It is the same when you are stupid.

Re: Doch gul set

Dang, 800 dmg from full set, not counting the str. I guess that would counter the nice armor lol.

Heres the question though....pieces of it wont break edl aura, but if you wear the full set, will you lose the aura?
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Re: Doch gul set

Dang, 800 dmg from full set, not counting the str. I guess that would counter the nice armor lol.

Heres the question though....pieces of it wont break edl aura, but if you wear the full set, will you lose the aura?
Muldar confirmed full doch gul does not cancel edl aura.
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Re: Doch gul set

The set is useless for tanks, right?
I have not checked the stats yet
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