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New lux vendor

Why is it the new lux vendor always has the last update lux. Like I would if though that would have been a decrease. Pretty much it feels like you might as well consider that lux shop the same as it was before because that's all we are getting on lir server.

Re: New lux vendor

Dont waste your gold at the legacy lux vendor. It is put there to such your gold so you buy more plats. The gambling stake is 1.5m per hand to clear the three unfathomable items and hope for the better ones to respawn. It is one of the worst kind of new vendor you can get. Worse than pirate fashion vendor because that one doesnt suck 1/10 of the gold that this one sucks. People just camping there at reset hoping to see a reaper ring.

Re: New lux vendor

It's the most brazen thing OTM have ever done. Yes basically gambling.

Reaaly feel disgusted in a way even the initial Pet token/Hunter favour setup never caused me to be, and that was pretty obviously a way to push Chest sales. At least you got a Pet out of that which was a new thing.

I know all MMOs are basically addiction machines surrounded by a shiny wrapper but I don't like the fact ground into my face.
Landoril 221 Ranger
Denoril 170 Rogue
Hateril. Hat holder
Pageril...well you get the idea

Epona (The little server that could)

Re: New lux vendor

I can assure players this was not designed as a "Gambling Mechanism" You do have the option to not buy the item much like the pirate shop.
This is not some great scheme to get players to buy more gold, we had a gold sale, we know how well gold sells, we are not EA.

Primarily the vendor was designed for 2 reasons:

Player Feedback:
This vendor was created between beta 1 and 2 based on player feedback from the forums.
We created a system that would allow you to still get lux (while we focus on permanent content) but will not devalue previously bought rare items.
This is also the first chance Android gets at many of the items, we can finally close off the Reaper Ring for Android thread.
I know old items are a sensitive subject but hopefully, this vendor will make both camps happy.

Gold Sink:
We are getting into the Game Dev part here.
The attached Wiki article goes into details regarding gold sinks in MMOs, simply put it is an economy management system seen in most MMOs.
A way to remove excess gold from the economy whilst giving players an option to buy an item they want, much like the seasonal lux vendors of old.

While we understand not everyone will be happy with the change I personally am really happy to see player feedback implemented and hope players are enjoying the vendor.

Re: New lux vendor

@ Muldar. I'm happy to accept that was the motivation but how does that make it better from a player perspective ? And the fact there is no parallel event Lux Trader makes it worse. You say people don't have to buy from this Trader but where is the alternative.

That sounds rude and really I do not mean to be and certainly not to you personally.

Why not have a gold sink that is not so connected to game advancement? A hundred ways to do this...

A tier Fashion recolourist. The higher the colour the more expensive each piece is to recolour. So red is 50 K per piece and White is 1 million per piece.

Or a beauty parlour. Charge to change height and skin colour and hair style. Keep some characteristics expensive or maybe the further away from average height you go, up or down, the more it costs. Every guy who chose a bald Toon thinking it would be badd@ss probably would pay BIG to have a make over.

Charge to colour your pet. Or give it a glow or sparks. Charge for having a cool animation for your pet come up randomly

And if you must use this Old Lux shop as a Gold sink why not refresh it regularly (daily) and break it up into 3 traders based on the Lux level and then charge more per piece? How it is at present is not making people happy even if the rich are spending to get reapers etc. And I am not a Reaper hunter as I bought a couple at the time.

So many ways to have a gold sink and they don't have to feel so obvious.
Landoril 221 Ranger
Denoril 170 Rogue
Hateril. Hat holder
Pageril...well you get the idea

Epona (The little server that could)

Re: New lux vendor

I get what you mean but the alternative could be seen as buying from another player, you yourself don't have to buy the lux.
This opens up new avenues of merching for players all the while acting as an economy gold sink.

While the advancement of tiered premium items sounds like a good idea on paper the actual implementation of it would probably negatively received by players at least in my own opinion.
Imagine you had all this cool white fashion, rare stuff, now your items don't seem as good as everyone has bought the lowest tier paid a million gold and is wearing white.
While a good gold sink for us it would negatively affect player markets.

While I think there is a good discussion behind further graphical changes via gold such as effects / colours I think it would have to be implemented in a way that does not affect current economies.

The vendor may seem like "the only way to advance in game" but there are other options available.

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