Have the prices of plat gone up?
The price for 4K plat was £79.99 and now it is £99.99.
Seems like a big increase.
Also players in different areas have said that the price hasn't changed so is it only uk prices?
I have looked through forums and haven't found any evidence that suggests OTM will or have increased plat prices.
Platinum prices
#1Rhiannon *Outliers*
CrAsHeD Level 220 Warrior
Ashman78 Level 215 rogue
Sh0tz Level 200 ranger
AlmightyFire 191 mage
Aloe Level 130 Druid
CrAsHeD Level 220 Warrior
Ashman78 Level 215 rogue
Sh0tz Level 200 ranger
AlmightyFire 191 mage
Aloe Level 130 Druid