No need to spend plat to get far :3 im 206 no plat spent. Though im now considering it to support otm.Honestly this may not be my place to speak but i played ch for thousands of thousands of hours between 2012-2015/early16 and quit due to boredom. I am now considering returning and what': the 2nd thing i see when i login? the servers are down. Oh ok just a few hours is fine. No? Over a day? Not okay for any company that caters to thousands of people and makes a LOT of money off of just selling ingame purchases. Not only that but:
1. The game could have an insanely huge PC playerbase but it's sticking to small screens
2. OTM takes forever to push new updates, most of which are really easy to get bored of, and if they aren't easy it's because it's too hard to get the **** from the bosses that spawn every few days
3. CH is NOT a game for new people, i find myself confused at the game even as a seasoned vet.
4. CH does NOT provide enough content for new people and mid levels to my knowledge. The game caters to 180+ which mostly requires you or someone else to buy plat, not only that but i hear the new leveling system is curved??? So the 1000's of plat i may have spent on SK to get to 190 @10-15lix per lvl is gone? Okty for providing this cruicile element a few years late.
Thanks for reading my rant. Good day.
Re: Server Downtime.
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