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Re: My Experience on Sulis

Might be time for a server xfer if you are unhappy on your original server. A fresh start can do wonders :) There's another clan out there waiting to take you in and accept you as family, you just have to go exploring.
Liv Arronheln 215
Chieftain of DragonSouls
”One day, you will be old enough to start reading fairytales again.”

Re: My Experience on Sulis

This whole post has just been turned into a public stunt, to gain support from people that are kept in the dark on the entire situation besides the 'victims' side. If you truly wished it to be settled, it wouldn't be introduced in such a manner.

explain to us all how it's OK for a Retribution General to infiltrate a rival clan, get fully geared, leave the rival clan to join Retribution, shamelessly use all of his main's gear and attempt to circumvent DKP and Doc Gul limits other clan members are subjected to, and the leadership is trying to cover it up, then you come on the forums trying to maintain the facade that you're a noble clan? What a joke.
And here you go on to accuse others in a pointless rant on the forums. It is unbelievable how far you are willing to go to make yourself seem in a position, as though the clans against you. What evidence do you have that someone would do that?

Re: My Experience on Sulis

^ Everyone on the server knows. Not seen anyone in Ret ever try to deny it. Why would they? He put a unique helm on it, the only on the server.

He requests DKP items for his main's 205 locker toon alt and puts them on his 220 fake main, which he uses for extra DKP and I assume will get more DG.

Also the OP was more a warning to people to avoid Sulis, especially since Cross platform is opening tomorrow. If you check I didn't even mention a name.

Re: My Experience on Sulis

^ Everyone on the server knows. Not seen anyone in Ret ever try to deny it. Why would they? He put a unique helm on it, the only on the server.
So you are assuming because someone is using a helm, that someone else clearly owns it means they are an alt? That is an accusation without any actual base evidence. I have unique gear myself and if I would ever decide to let someone use, it automatically make me a target for such strong assumptions as those?

 If you check I didn't even mention a name.
Yes, you did not mention any names, but gave great description of certain players to indirectly target them, which can't be acceptable. As well as Jumanji that stepped in and revealed the names you didn't yourself.

Re: My Experience on Sulis

Everyone knows it's Aceviper.

To start from the day Kenshinn left Soldiersofjah, he immediately equipped Aceviper's unique Mordris helm, his Necro Dagger and other items. Also Kenshinn recently equipped the Royal Blood Rinng that Aceviper requested for his 205 Locker alt, JR007.

From what I've read through this topic, that's far more proof of deception than you guys could provide for Destiny, the clansman you just kicked. It must be some good proof if it can all be eviscerated with a simple video call.

Don't worry though Des, I'm sure here's other clans on the server that would take you :D
“Brevity is the soul of wit.”

Re: My Experience on Sulis

This has turned from one players experience into an attack on the clan and players in the that clan the original post is about. Is everyone really judging an entire clan's reputation on one characters experience? If that's the case, people are pretty petty, talking about how awful the clan is when they've only heard one persons side to it. Every strong clan has competition that tries to hurt its reputation, and the fact that this group is trying so hard is quite sad. There are many members of this clan that have had wonderful experiences and thrive there, and they're not in leadership positions. The original poster shared their personal experience and everyone is entitled to their own thoughts, but that shouldn't represent this clan as a whole, and open up gateways to attack this clan from every angle.

Re: My Experience on Sulis

Everyone knows it's Aceviper.

To start from the day Kenshinn left Soldiersofjah, he immediately equipped Aceviper's unique Mordris helm, his Necro Dagger and other items. Also Kenshinn recently equipped the Royal Blood Rinng that Aceviper requested for his 205 Locker alt, JR007.

From what I've read through this topic, that's far more proof of deception than you guys could provide for Destiny, the clansman you just kicked. It must be some good proof if it can all be eviscerated with a simple video call.

Don't worry though Des, I'm sure here's other clans on the server that would take you :D
You've made over 1,000 posts on these forums so you know the rules right? Yet you're naming toons and calling them out specifically here. Do you just not have any disregard for the rules, or think you're above them?

Re: My Experience on Sulis

Everyone knows it's Aceviper.

To start from the day Kenshinn left Soldiersofjah, he immediately equipped Aceviper's unique Mordris helm, his Necro Dagger and other items. Also Kenshinn recently equipped the Royal Blood Rinng that Aceviper requested for his 205 Locker alt, JR007.

From what I've read through this topic, that's far more proof of deception than you guys could provide for Destiny, the clansman you just kicked. It must be some good proof if it can all be eviscerated with a simple video call.

Don't worry though Des, I'm sure here's other clans on the server that would take you :D
You've made over 1,000 posts on these forums so you know the rules right? Yet you're naming toons and calling them out specifically here. Do you just not have any disregard for the rules, or think you're above them?
Woops I forgot, but then again you did just dispute the most obvious thing on our server, so I think being specific was good for you? Was I wrong?

I guess it's easier for you to post hiding behind your animinity, most people include their toon name in their signature but whatever helps you sleep.
“Brevity is the soul of wit.”

Re: My Experience on Sulis

Everyone knows it's Aceviper.

To start from the day Kenshinn left Soldiersofjah, he immediately equipped Aceviper's unique Mordris helm, his Necro Dagger and other items. Also Kenshinn recently equipped the Royal Blood Rinng that Aceviper requested for his 205 Locker alt, JR007.

From what I've read through this topic, that's far more proof of deception than you guys could provide for Destiny, the clansman you just kicked. It must be some good proof if it can all be eviscerated with a simple video call.

Don't worry though Des, I'm sure here's other clans on the server that would take you :D
You've made over 1,000 posts on these forums so you know the rules right? Yet you're naming toons and calling them out specifically here. Do you just not have any disregard for the rules, or think you're above them?
Woops I forgot, but then again you did just dispute the most obvious thing on our server, so I think being specific was good for you? Was I wrong?

I guess it's easier for you to post hiding behind your animinity, most people include their toon name in their signature but whatever helps you sleep.
Sorry I didn't give you a name to use as another attacking gateway on this clan.

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