Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: GOT my Chicken chaser prizes and here's my review

Hey guys. We get where you are coming from and we understand we have some missed opportunity lately. I would like to steer this conversation in a direction that will be more useful to us.

WITHOUT putting too much into making new art assets, what are some cool prizes you would enjoy?
Although my post was a bitter observation not a sobbing request ...
But since you as a representative of OTM are offering ..
For the top 5 or top 3 each server why not toss in a few more chickens without making it seem that you are injecting too many 'assets' into the game.
The stats of the pet will only serve certain classes anyway. Not everyone will keep it. As a souvenir maybe...

Please consider and thank you.

Re: GOT my Chicken chaser prizes and here's my review

I simply meant without having to create new assets such as a chicken with a hat and for future use.
How about everyone in the top 10 of each server gets a lvl 6 (regardless of lvl because with the effort put in, almost everyone deserves a lvl 6 pet) GOLDEN chicken... that would be badass lol. Shouldn’t be that hard changing the color of the chicken and then sending them out right? Lol

Would be even better if they were tradeable so they would gain value and would gain a tooooon more attention. Definitely not necessary tho, just a thought
Zkills, Proud general of the beloved KodiakReavers of Belenus, the G.O.A.T clan

Professor/Detective Zkills, op mage of Epona, chieftain of KodiakReavers. Server banned for doing PvP in arena.

Can you do the impossible?
Celtic Heroes Ultimate Challenge

Re: GOT my Chicken chaser prizes and here's my review

Hey guys. We get where you are coming from and we understand we have some missed opportunity lately. I would like to steer this conversation in a direction that will be more useful to us.

WITHOUT putting too much into making new art assets, what are some cool prizes you would enjoy?
I would like to take this opportunity to say I feel bad ...a little. I tend to only visit forums when something goes wrong. I will try and do better. This game is beautiful. It definitely has set a standard for me about mobile gaming.

As far as competitions are concerned I think clarity and transparency when dealing with rewards would be wonderful. Then people can choose whether the competition is worth their time. I would also, think that the prize should reflect the competition. Ie chicken hunt...chicken helms if you are just doing fashion. The chicken pet was a great idea had its lvl been representative of the time sink. The fishing...a rod and reel would have been an awesome prize.

Again this game is beautiful in its graphics and easy to learn mechanics. Really looking forward to see what implementations your development team will bring. I for one am really hoping for duel spec, targets target and target group member by group tap. Maybe a wish list...I have no idea about mobile gaming ...in its self when it comes to what you can code.

Again..I will do better ..in balancing my forum visits with both pros and cons.

Kind regards,
Dual spec
Increase buff timers and change to group buffs
/anon /afk commands
Revamp the skill system
Group leader / group commands
Add more premium items

Re: GOT my Chicken chaser prizes and here's my review

Hey guys. We get where you are coming from and we understand we have some missed opportunity lately. I would like to steer this conversation in a direction that will be more useful to us.

WITHOUT putting too much into making new art assets, what are some cool prizes you would enjoy?
I would like to take this opportunity to say I feel bad ...a little. I tend to only visit forums when something goes wrong. I will try and do better. This game is beautiful. It definitely has set a standard for me about mobile gaming.

As far as competitions are concerned I think clarity and transparency when dealing with rewards would be wonderful. Then people can choose whether the competition is worth their time. I would also, think that the prize should reflect the competition. Ie chicken hunt...chicken helms if you are just doing fashion. The chicken pet was a great idea had its lvl been representative of the time sink. The fishing...a rod and reel would have been an awesome prize.

Again this game is beautiful in its graphics and easy to learn mechanics. Really looking forward to see what implementations your development team will bring. I for one am really hoping for duel spec, targets target and target group member by group tap. Maybe a wish list...I have no idea about mobile gaming ...in its self when it comes to what you can code.

Again..I will do better ..in balancing my forum visits with both pros and cons.

Kind regards,
I agree with everything you've said and love the attitude. The Forums are a happier place with players like you around.
Would you kindly?


Re: GOT my Chicken chaser prizes and here's my review

Hey Heroes,

Thanks for providing additional feedback on the competition and its rewards.

In response, Farmer Moffatt has begun breeding some unique chickens for all previous Chicken Chasing competition winners.

In the next update, all top ten competitors for each world will receive a cosmetic chicken pet, that will not require food to use.

As this is a cosmetic item, it will not provide any stat or skill bonuses.

But bear in mind, this is a unique pet, that only the competition winners will be rewarded with.

Each worlds top ten competitors will receive the following:

1st Place - Yule Champion's Chicken (A White chicken with frost particle effect)

2nd Place - Yule Challenger's Chicken (A Black chicken with frost particle effect)

3rd Place - Yule Contender's Chicken (A Red chicken with frost particle effect)

4th-10th Runner-Up Places - Yule Competitor's Chicken (A Brown chicken with frost particle effect)

For the worldwide top ten competitors, you will also receive an additional unique cosmetic chicken pet, as follows:

1st Place - Yule Champion's Chicken Chieftain (A White chicken with spiritbound particle effect)

2nd Place - Yule Challenger's Chicken General (A Black chicken with spiritbound particle effect)

3rd Place - Yule Contender's Chicken Guardian (A Red chicken with spiritbound particle effect)

4th-10th Runner-Up Places - Yule Competitor's Chicken Clansman (A Brown chicken with spiritbound particle effect)


Re: GOT my Chicken chaser prizes and here's my review

Hey Heroes,

Thanks for providing additional feedback on the competition and its rewards.

In response, Farmer Moffatt has begun breeding some unique chickens for all previous Chicken Chasing competition winners.

In the next update, all top ten competitors for each world will receive a cosmetic chicken pet, that will not require food to use.

As this is a cosmetic item, it will not provide any stat or skill bonuses.

But bear in mind, this is a unique pet, that only the competition winners will be rewarded with.

Each worlds top ten competitors will receive the following:

1st Place - Yule Champion's Chicken (A White chicken with frost particle effect)

2nd Place - Yule Challenger's Chicken (A Black chicken with frost particle effect)

3rd Place - Yule Contender's Chicken (A Red chicken with frost particle effect)

4th-10th Runner-Up Places - Yule Competitor's Chicken (A Brown chicken with frost particle effect)

For the worldwide top ten competitors, you will also receive an additional unique cosmetic chicken pet, as follows:

1st Place - Yule Champion's Chicken Chieftain (A White chicken with spiritbound particle effect)

2nd Place - Yule Challenger's Chicken General (A Black chicken with spiritbound particle effect)

3rd Place - Yule Contender's Chicken Guardian (A Red chicken with spiritbound particle effect)

4th-10th Runner-Up Places - Yule Competitor's Chicken Clansman (A Brown chicken with spiritbound particle effect)

WOW . I would never have imagined that One thumb mobile and specially their design team would go that far but its a beautiful gesture. THANK YOU.
The white snowy lirs landscape was very painful to my eyes (grabs eye drops) and I'm.still struck with the Common Chicken Syndrome : can't help speeding towards a white chicken each time I spot one- (grabs nervous breakdown pills) But this message is the best pacifier ever. I ddont care if its cosmetic.
Our pride has been saved and you will have suceeded with a powerful communication campaign for forums! Cause that particle pet not gonna leave anyone indifferent!
Thank you Tadaahh for patiently reading through our rants.

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