Agree! oh and its Unit/Colours, Colour/Unit hehe.Well what you explain would be nice bob, altho it is not a bed of roses. I do have some screenshots of a certain person threatening a whole clan. Through saying he will involve his own clan...All the arawn drama is by people who were kicked from res and Xfered away or people who don’t play the game but log onto forums just to start stuff.Oh and btw... People talking about an drama-free arawn. Read the arawn subforum or the 'which Server has the most drama' thread to see how much Drama arawn really has lmao
Point to any drama between 2 active arawn players and I’ll agree your right... but there just isn’t any.
As long as you're not in DS, colours or unit (the comp of resurgence), there is indeed no drama., but if you wishes to get cursed at, threatened or even get your lix ruined well... enjoy the server.
(Disclaimer, it is a select few who likes to do the practices mentioned above)
(You want the ss? Ask me for them)
Again, this delusional mage on Arawn is sketching a total wrong picture. Arawn has lots of drama and on forums this is mostly instigated by the mage himself lol. Just look at the witch hunt he tried to organize in Arawns subforum. Anyways, back to the topic. From what you are looking for, Arawn is not the server for you. Lots of drama and lately a lot of scamming going on. If you do decide to test us out, come visit us and pm me. Unit/Colours is very approachable as well as DS and other clans.
Hope it helps with your decision!