Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: When will class rebalancing actually happen?

Warrior dps is balanced at endgame. I am talking with DG. If warriors had a divine damage skill on their offhand they would be the only class with two powerful unresisted skills, this would elevate them to the #1 dps spot easily. Rupture would need to be nerfed or reworked. The same holds true for druids. The way DoTs Work in CH are to blame, they limit play-styles.
Best post on this thread.

What would be the point of rogues and rangers if warriors were comparable, more versatile, and possibly better at DPSing?

The only class that really needs balancing in my view, is druids. DPS druids are severely limited because of DoTs. The game is designed in a way where you can manage with just a couple druids, which is unfortunate.

I have not experienced the woes of the mage class so can't comment.
Wattzon of Sulis

Re: When will class rebalancing actually happen?

Play an EG mage then ._.
Great idea. *facepalm*

As if I would comment without experience lol.

Yes I have played mage at endgame.
Apparently not. Mages are not mages with how we are currently built by any metric... read the rest of what I wrote :P
Except he has an end game mage. His opinion might be different than yours but it doesn't mean he doesn't have the experience to make that decision. I've seen geles go down with 0 rangers, that doesn't mean rangers aren't necessary. I've seen geles go down with 1 rogue and there was time to spare on that kill and without the rogue it still would have died, it doesn't mean rogues are worthless. Players should just play the class that they find enjoyable. Although, Bob, I'm curious. You mentioned (like you do in every single thread) that you're the best mage on your server. What do the other mages look like? You have some cooldown items and gele rings to increase dmg and hotswap which is pretty average of most of the mages I've seen on other servers.
Zyz 220 Druid
Noah Fences 220 Rogue

Re: When will class rebalancing actually happen?

Warrior dps is balanced at endgame. I am talking with DG. If warriors had a divine damage skill on their offhand they would be the only class with two powerful unresisted skills, this would elevate them to the #1 dps spot easily. Rupture would need to be nerfed or reworked. The same holds true for druids. The way DoTs Work in CH are to blame, they limit play-styles.
Best post on this thread.

What would be the point of rogues and rangers if warriors were comparable, more versatile, and possibly better at DPSing?

The only class that really needs balancing in my view, is druids. DPS druids are severely limited because of DoTs. The game is designed in a way where you can manage with just a couple druids, which is unfortunate.

I have not experienced the woes of the mage class so can't comment.
They don't need to be better dps they need to be on par to stop there being 30 tanks

Re: When will class rebalancing actually happen?


Great idea. *facepalm*

As if I would comment without experience lol.

Yes I have played mage at endgame.
Apparently not. Mages are not mages with how we are currently built by any metric... read the rest of what I wrote :P
Except he has an end game mage. His opinion might be different than yours but it doesn't mean he doesn't have the experience to make that decision. I've seen geles go down with 0 rangers, that doesn't mean rangers aren't necessary. I've seen geles go down with 1 rogue and there was time to spare on that kill and without the rogue it still would have died, it doesn't mean rogues are worthless. Players should just play the class that they find enjoyable. Although, Bob, I'm curious. You mentioned (like you do in every single thread) that you're the best mage on your server. What do the other mages look like? You have some cooldown items and gele rings to increase dmg and hotswap which is pretty average of most of the mages I've seen on other servers.
Mage dps is extremely complex it comes down to CD, balancing direct damage with stat and ability totals, cast speed, cast order, energy regen (yes all endgame dps mages run out of energy very fast), hot swapping (some of us tri and quad swap for certain skills). But all of this is irrelevant the point of what were saying is that as the game progresses to more and more divine reliant it destroys the mechanics of a pure elemental class, and sure they threw divine dmg on our weps and armor. But they also made all but the small offhand skill unusable for the class in terms of divine damage.

As for bob he is one of the people who dosent just play a class to play it, those of us who run the numbers and strive twords maximizing our potential see exactly where this game is currently taking mages (Removing all our dps potential and forcing us into pure support builds). Werent mages designed to be one of the core dps classes? Well at endgame we no longer are.
World: Gwydion Clan: Relentless

Krumz~220+ Mage
Krums~220+ Dps Druid

Retirement dident work out for me .-.

Re: When will class rebalancing actually happen?

They don't need to be better dps they need to be on par to stop there being 30 tanks
No they don't. The current dps capabilities are more than enough.
Have you played an endgame warrior?

For a fact I know that no warrior in your clan gets the kill.
Yep, and no warrior should be regularly outdpsing a ranger or rogue on chaos mobs.
UltimateIronman - Level 50 Morrigan

Youtube Series here

Re: When will class rebalancing actually happen?

They don't need to be better dps they need to be on par to stop there being 30 tanks
No they don't. The current dps capabilities are more than enough.
Have you played an endgame warrior?

For a fact I know that no warrior in your clan gets the kill.
Nope, and thats how it should be... I simply couldn't be bothered restating the reasons I've given before. I absolutely do not see why they need a divine damage offhand.

Ranger lvl 223
Mage lvl 220


Re: When will class rebalancing actually happen?


No they don't. The current dps capabilities are more than enough.
Have you played an endgame warrior?

For a fact I know that no warrior in your clan gets the kill.
Yep, and no warrior should be regularly outdpsing a ranger or rogue on chaos mobs.
They should. When there are already plenty of tanks people make alts and waste their warrior mains. People should be able to give up their survivability for damage and stop the bottleneck of endgame tanks. Right now the only class that should get kill on everything but prot is a rogue. I propose a balance that all classes may be on par

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