Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: (Unintentional?!?) closed beta update

The email came from test flight. Muldar said they were hoping the build would be ready today. I’m sure it was just the build being ready and all closed testers got email. I imagine the real email will go out in the next 24-48 hours.
World - Gwydion - semi retired in 2020
- restarted in 2022 on Herne - 220 (rogue)

Searching for the next adventure.

Re: (Unintentional?!?) closed beta update

Sorry my dudes, I was up late and expired the testflight build as it's old news. I'll have a look into disabling those notifications.
i love how dis guy writes :D hope i see you in the beta
I'm looking to change the perception of people and all of the beautiful things that it brings,-Exe2k15
Executive of Epona
Beetlejuice of Donn
Clan: Concordiia
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https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1strz ... vH82nKhe4Q

Re: (Unintentional?!?) closed beta update

The external tester list should be blank, though as we uploaded today it was possibly just a notification we've upversioned the previous client.

I'll send our Programming Team a message and check up on it tomorrow.
A bunch of my clan mates got a CLOSED beta invite just now. I assume those are supposed to be open beta invites? And the open beta has launched?

Re: (Unintentional?!?) closed beta update

The external tester list should be blank, though as we uploaded today it was possibly just a notification we've upversioned the previous client.

I'll send our Programming Team a message and check up on it tomorrow.
A bunch of my clan mates got a CLOSED beta invite just now. I assume those are supposed to be open beta invites? And the open beta has launched?
Testflight will always indicate the beta is "closed" as Testflight is a "closed environment".

The beta however is indeed an Open Beta.

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