New support software -- excellent!
New forums -- The vast majority of my forum work is via my laptop, so please make a good web interface! Beyond that, having an ingame access is great, however why not just use a WebView to access these forums from within the game?
In-app messaging -- good idea, but I doubt it will be highly used. LINE is a multi-billion dollar company built specifically for great messaging (polls, an api, plenty of message types, exporting chat histories, dark theme...), and also allows us to access messages on devices incompatible with CH. We already have mail, and servers are pretty isolated. Also, I believe players prefer to use a third-party app, as it doesn't correspond to VR's server statuses.
More messages from admins -- always welcome!
Re: New Forum/Support Software
#21World Taranis
- Regenleif -
Aedin Flameborn
Former Leader in theILLUMINATI, Aeon, and Taranis United
I am a Guide! If you need any tips/help/advice, Click Here to send me a message!
- Regenleif -
Aedin Flameborn
Former Leader in theILLUMINATI, Aeon, and Taranis United
I am a Guide! If you need any tips/help/advice, Click Here to send me a message!