Gotta love the internet, right? Of course, it isn't just the internet, it happens in RL too, but I'm not going to go there.Still waiting on taadah to answer the original question. It's a little disturbing in this day and age when a question such as that goes unanswered. Now I'm afraid to type in public chats because some pc psycho may misconstrue my words
The way I see it, the only reason you would need to worry about what you say is if you say things you probably shouldn't. Of course this is tough because people have different views on words...for example, person A may not have any issue with the word b***h, they call their friends it and are just messing around, but to other people, it's a word that isn't said unless you want to hurt someone's feelings...then you have the problem where it might get taken out of context, someone else may not know your personality, etc, and then things go downhill.
I guess what I'm trying to say is just think about how others will view your words.
To jump on this topic, you don't need to walk on eggshells necessarily..but at the same time, consider if it's really necessary to say stuff like that. It rounds back to what I said above, it's fine to be yourself on the internet, but realize that things get taken out of context all the time.For instance person a and person b are great friends and clown each other in chat. Person c hates person a and happens to catch the end of a and b's conversation jumps at the chance to ss person a calling person b a hoe. A and b are fine because they're friends and understand the all important context of the convo but person a is now banned because person c even understanding said context still saw an opportunity to make person a's life hell. Or do we just walk on eggshells so to speak? True offenses deserve a ban but there needs to be common sense involved. Free speech is still a thing
*IMPORTANT note that when I say you, I don't necessarily mean you, sign slotter. It's more directed at anyone reading this post.*