Add crafting, real crafting. Or smithing as ive heard it called here before. But i call it combining.
My idea, and idk if others have said it before: Divide all items into two categorys, primary and secondary. Weapons and armor would be primary and jewlery seconndary. Allow a player to choose one primary and one secondary to combine. Combining would add 50% of the secondary item's total stats to the primary item but it would also destroy the secondary item. Combining could be done three times max to any primary item but each time you combined the chance of the primary being damaged increases.
Combining takes time, up to three days maybe depending on the items combined, meaning you have to decide what you can do without for that time. Damaging a primary item would lower its stats by a percent, destroy the seconday and add no stats from the secondary. The first time you combined there would be like a 5% chance of damaging which would lead to a 10% reduction of the primarys stats and no stats added by the secondary and the secondary being destroyed. Second combination would have like a 15% chance of damaging the primary and a third trycould have 25% chance ofdamaging.
Now, vr could add stuff to the plat store toreduce or prevent damaging. They could also add things to speed up the combining process. A lot of people would be doing combining with a lot of gear, meaning more money in vr's pockets. Secondary items being destroied would mean clans swould have to farm raid bosses more, maybe so much more vr would increase spawn rates giving players more to do in the game. The damaged primary weapons could be fixed by yet another plat item or vr could allow armor and weapon story quests to be repeated and replacement primarys earned through farming dl and edl quest bosses (and the other gear quests). That too would make players need to farm those bosses again, producing more activity.
Thoughts? Ideas? Is this possable vr and would it even be considered?
Since vr is working on new content...
#1Airrius 225 tank
TheGreenMan 216 druid
Balgair 221 rogue
Velocity 200 rogue
Iolo 225 ranger
Alistar 215 mage
Divym 223 mage
TheGreenMan 216 druid
Balgair 221 rogue
Velocity 200 rogue
Iolo 225 ranger
Alistar 215 mage
Divym 223 mage