Bandage wounds
#1I play a soloing warrior and have been looking for a cheaper alternative than burning restos for leveling. Sort of a free to play character. I have some sigils but cost a small fortune to actually put a dent in my 4k hp. I understand that it's not "the best skill" and that many of you will tell me to overlook it or buy sigils and use exlixers. I use a lvl 4 brown bunny which heals about 210 health currently and I always lix with a heroic health lix. I was wondering, can I make bandage wounds a viable skill in combination with my bunny? I'm not looking for a natures touch or anything, but between my bunny skill and bandage wounds, would it be possible to heal myself 1k health or more? What does a decent bandage wounds heals look like with an investment in points and abilities?