Disagree on the flux, would actually be extremely overpowered if the minimum flux value was significantly higher for only one class based on ability, especially when mages generally have the highest damage per hit values.I wish ability points minimized flux on mobs depending on stats.In a game where an extremely large amount of your damage is RNG based (flux,crit,evades) it’s often hard to tell the difference between gear especially when diminishing return basically makes all stat based gear utterly useless after a point (with dg and good supporting gear your most certainly past that point)
For example: 2200 ability means average flux (where average is x) on a 220 mob, whereas 5000 ability means average flux on the 220 mob becomes (y, whereby y is related to x by some function).
I wish ability points had more involvement than just providing a small damage bump for casters and more attack for melee, especially skill abilities. Why can't skill abilities actually determine attack? before ability points were added to gear it made sense, because cap ability was whatever your level was *10, but with ability gear... why not?
That being said there is no reason why skills have no way whatsoever to control their evasion rate. Mele get attack on their primary form of damage and caster get shafted once again.