Celtic Heroes

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Could you kindly explain what's the purpose of the taming ability is for seedling? The tooltip says that it improves the ability but after thorough testing my level 1 seedling gives 6 dmg at ability level one and it also does the same thing at ability level 200.... Before I continue to waste any more time leveling the ability I'd like to understand its purpose... I am beginning to draw the conclusion that it is simply broken and or useless.

Re: Seedling

Increasing the taming ability improves the effect of the pet's skill.

The Seedling's skill grants an aura to others. The damage boost you receive when you have your pet out is a passive effect.

Because this is a new type of effect, and the tool tip wasn't created to display the aura scaling, the description in the tool tip doesn't automatically change.

Sorry for any confusion this caused you.

Re: Seedling


So in practical terms, are you saying that my lvl 2 seedling that says at lvl 2 "grants 6-12" damage will grant more then 12 damage if my ability is 1000 vs if my ability is 100?

Currently in testing it with a friend we noticed that even at 100 ability score his pet adds 20 damage to me (says it adds 10-20) and mine adds 12 to him (says it adds 6-12) I guess what I'm not understanding is how the ability will impact this if we were to do the same thing we are doing at 1000+ ability score... I expect it will still give is the exact bonus I mentioned above. If so,I don't understand the purpose of the ability....

Re: Seedling

Think what he meant was it increases damage output to others affected by ur pets aura. Ur pets aura doesn’t boost ur own damage as much as it boosts others. Increasing ability increases the dmg others get boosted by ur aura. It’s more of a support buff for others as opposed to urself. Though I could be wrong because I don’t have a seedling.-.
All chicken we're created equal
U disrespect chicken I disrespect u

- chieftain of lazy drunks
- 223 Dg ranger


Re: Seedling

Think what he meant was it increases damage output to others affected by ur pets aura. Ur pets aura doesn’t boost ur own damage as much as it boosts others. Increasing ability increases the dmg others get boosted by ur aura. It’s more of a support buff for others as opposed to urself. Though I could be wrong because I don’t have a seedling.-.
If that's the case then I call it even because the pet itself already grants elemental damage

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Re: Seedling

Think what he meant was it increases damage output to others affected by ur pets aura. Ur pets aura doesn’t boost ur own damage as much as it boosts others. Increasing ability increases the dmg others get boosted by ur aura. It’s more of a support buff for others as opposed to urself. Though I could be wrong because I don’t have a seedling.-.

Re: Seedling

I see no evidence of that. At any ability level (so far) the pet seems to increase the other person's DMG by the amount in the tool tip. Same thing for my own damage (I think. It's harder to calculate on yourself because the stats the pet grants play against the damage bonus so it's tricky.)

Re: Seedling

I see no evidence of that. At any ability level (so far) the pet seems to increase the other person's DMG by the amount in the tool tip. Same thing for my own damage (I think. It's harder to calculate on yourself because the stats the pet grants play against the damage bonus so it's tricky.)
The pet has a damage stat and that’s why ur dmg is increased. The skill doesn’t increase ur own dmg though it boosts dmg of ppl around you
All chicken we're created equal
U disrespect chicken I disrespect u

- chieftain of lazy drunks
- 223 Dg ranger


Re: Seedling

Yes I'm very clear on the fact that it boosts the damage of people around me. That isn't my question but it is the entire premise of my question.

What I'm asking is why does a level 1 poison pet increase the damage of all those around me by 6 points when my ability is level one and when my ability reaches 500 it's still only raises everybody's damaged by the same six points... I don't understand the purpose of leveling the ability for this reason. I hope this is more clear.

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