Usually these threads are to present how perfect Epona is..... Well it isnt, lets admit it, epona has rules too, not all rules are clean of bias as the system behind the rolls is still voting, and there is no rolls system that isnt also a voting system, and thats just how it is.
Theres no perfect system, once ppl get that mindset clear they'll be far more understanding of one another. Ppl say Epona is perfect so all dom clans must be some greedy monsters whom are after the players to make their game miserable, and clans whom arent rolls and think their system as perfect think Epona is made of players who never got along under the authority of others due selfishness and greed and they want to be able to play only for themselves. Both are extreme mindsets that might have some true cases, Im sure some dom clans or rival clans are made out of greed or desire to affect badly on others on the game, although not fully, and Im sure some in Epona are ex-dom clan players who rather didnt get along with the authority of that clan and whatever other clans they were in as they were having selfish mindsets and cared for themselves, but these dont represent neither sides and thats what ppl need to understand.
If ppl truly think their system is perfect, thats their first flaw and most major one, because if u never acknowledge ur own flaws u will never be able to stop them from affecting u and everyone else. Epona isnt perfect, it never was, it never will be. It had many issues, it still does, it will always have. If ppl get that "Epona is perfect" out of their mindset they'll stop having to chase other servers and constantly telling them that they're falling downwards/they're greedy/whatever other insult comes from players who were part of dom clans themselves and just didnt like it and are clearly biased.
Its fine to discuss about the logic standing behind rules, but just because we discuss it still doesnt mean that the statement "If you dont like the rules, dont join them" doesnt stand. Everyone is required to read the rules upon joining and agreeing to them, if you treat them like Terms of Service then just dont get surprised when u get punished, its really simple, and VR/OTM will not act differently than dom clans would with their rules.
"When you get punished" do you not agree that following someone around and ruining their rep on other servers is excessive? Seen it happen firsthand but I agree not all Dom clans do it
That is not what I consider a punishment by the clan, thats just personal issues of players who cant accept the gear is gone, even if that player would be me. By punished I mean that if ur selling gear, dont expect the clan to accept u back or ever speak good of u when u xfer out / go to other clans and they want background checks on u. Ive seen ppl angry on me that I didnt speak good of them to other servers, while they werent good to us so why would I? And by get punished I mean getting kicked if u hoard, getting banned from drops temporarily / demoted if u hoarded (and returned, if u didnt return u would get kicked)... So on. These are fair punishments, when ur out of the clan all the clan can do is not chase u because thats wasted effort, but also not bother to speak good of u when asked.
Dont forget that reputation means a lot i nthis game, and if ur known as hoarder who sold clan gear AGAINST clan rules (which in that server, u will likely be considered a scammer too because u broke clan rules and abused clan banks and other players who worked hard for personal profits, as per their rules, so Id say its fair if they classified u as such), and if u want to xfer out I assume u want ur reputation to be good as well, so dont expect players to speak good of u if u chose to be bad to them.