Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Against the dominance

I’m honestly interested to hear what server you are talking about. Considering many servers have no comp. Personally I have seen many people leave my home server because of no competition. Hoping some is created and succeeds to maybe help the server increase in numbers, to one of the most populated. If not the most populated server in the game again. :)
-Guardian Of Thereal (Rosmerta) :)
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Re: Against the dominance

If the dom clan is withholding drops from the rest of the world and preventing perfectly good people from being able to enjoy the game, then yes, they do deserve it. There are a good amount of dom clans that just cut off invites when they have enough people, or exile others just out of dislike for them(even when they haven't done anything wrong).

These tips have potential, and can help even out the odds. It's not like you are going to have much of a chance fighting a clan that is clearly better then yours, sometimes you have to get creative to make things happen.
You are justifying sociopathic behavior because a dom clan has built an organization that is winning, and they don’t give out their loot to others not in their clan?

This is mildly off-putting.

You want to change a dom clan? Be good enough to get in the clan. Earn your way up just like they did. Become a leader that people respect and value. Make the organization better. Change things because people want them changed, not because your feelings are hurt.

Or compete. Be the better organization. Be the place people want to see win. Their organization wasn’t made in a day. Yours won’t be either.

But in regards to this thread...

You know, manipulation and deception are also available. You can use that effort to sow dissent and discord to wedge a split in sects of the clan to hope it crumbles like the stellar individual you are. You, in a general sense, of course. I’m actually a bit disappointed this has been met with little criticism.
You are assuming that every group that fights to power does so for the right reasons. There has been plenty of cases in history and in game where this is not the case. They are not immune to being evil you know, and even using evil tactics against evil people can be a morally good thing. Note the repetition of the word evil. There are some worlds where the dom clan system does work, but there are also worlds where it does not due to corruption/exclusion. Maybe you haven't ran into this on your world, but I have on mine. Lugh used to be one of the best servers, but ever since people tried to turn it into a dom clan world it basically turned into trash. People are so stubborn about their drops, that they are willing to damage(and probably eventually kill) their world over them.
Lugh is not trash. We have a healthy growing dominant clan which takes down all bosses except Dino. Gele and BT on day of spawn.

You have to question why someone cares about people being ‘stubborn’ with their drops. If it’s because they want to kill endgame bosses with them, then ok I can empathise. But if it’s simply to line their own pockets by selling those drops overpriced then those people should stop the charade of caring about the new players.

The current dom clan was previously the underdog clan. We persevered and stuck it out and now we are dom. it can be done. I think the problem with underdog clans is they usually fall apart through in fighting and greed. Not always but often.
MrsDredd - 223 Rogue
Penny Dreadful - 220 Tank Warrior
NurseDredd - 220 Druid
DreadOnFire - 220 Fire Mage
Dreadshot - 220 Ranger
Dreadlocks - 190 Locker

Pegasus, Lugh
Celtic Heroes noob since September 2017

Re: Against the dominance

Competition in this game is toxic. Mostly because the winning factor revolves around ‘who can spend the most time and money on a virtual place’

Besides that, most competition in this game is a fed dominant clan vs an underdog clan, often with fewer resources and people. They say they enjoy this kind of competition. I see this as a race between 2 cars, 1 being a porsche, 1 being a prius. Very fun competition, it seems to only be fun if you have a very clear advantage.

Another unhealthy aspect of competition in this game is rather drag the opponent down than improving yourself ( griefing, locking bosses so the other clan can’t kill it). Yup it is within the game mechanics, so what’s wrong with that? People play this game for fun, mostly to relax. However, it seems that some people need to compensate this with some misguided power complex, maybe compensating for their real lives. It’s surprising how ruining the gaming experience for other people can be joyful for some people.

But yeah, this atrocious behaviour gets justified with arguments like: ‘it is within the rules of the game, so we aren't doing anything wrong’ or ‘competition is fun, you just can’t deal with losing’ or ‘we are saving the server from inactivity, the only way to keep this server active is to exclude the people we can’t directly use’.

The strong point of this game was it’s community, but the majority of the community has become vile, the devs keep pushing the game into an environment where it is the hunger-games 2.0.

So this is what the game is. It has no prospects to change. It seems that a majority just keeps playing because they are too invested in this game and don’t want their invested time and money go to waste. New players get the choice, either join the dominant cults or probably wait another few year s until the dom clan crumbles... and maybe then with your principles intact you can enjoy all the content of the game.

Re: Against the dominance

There is nothing wrong with being a dom clan. Except when it affects the people around you that arent in your dom clan. You work hard for success. New players are affected the most. Not everyone wants to be in your clan just because you kill every boss. You may have rules they don’t like. Maybe its not suitable for a casual player. Who knows. Everyone has their reason.

If you’re a new player coming into this game you don’t stand a chance against a dom clan. Maybe if you can get the numbers. Maaaybe you can compete. An entire server being in one clan is no better than being in competing clans. The problem is if new players cant compete or finish armor quests they will just quit. Eventually the server will just die. For the dom clan ppl will get bored and quit eventually. Its kinda like playing a game in god mode. Eventually you just get bored and move on.

Personally I don’t understand why some things just cant be put in a dungeons so 1 clan doesn’t affect an entire server. I myself spent years battling the dom clan just to complete frozen. Spent thousands on chests and used the gold to buy off defectors. If it wasn’t for that I prolly wouldn’t have crap. Most player will just quit. Deceasing the spawn times seems to have helped it a little. Maybe decrease it more. For everything. Even Gele and BT. Once a certain timezone kills a boss it seems it only spawns for that timezone. Not everyone can be a closet gamer at work. I joined a dom clan and left simply because I didn’t enjoy pinching off the smaller clans. Felt like the entire server was slowly being killed.

Maybe add gear so new players can compete.
Only the devs can fix the issue. Its not like the players will.

Re: Against the dominance

There is nothing wrong with being a dom clan. Except when it affects the people around you that arent in your dom clan. You work hard for success. New players are affected the most. Not everyone wants to be in your clan just because you kill every boss. You may have rules they don’t like. Maybe its not suitable for a casual player. Who knows. Everyone has their reason.

If you’re a new player coming into this game you don’t stand a chance against a dom clan. Maybe if you can get the numbers. Maaaybe you can compete. An entire server being in one clan is no better than being in competing clans. The problem is if new players cant compete or finish armor quests they will just quit. Eventually the server will just die. For the dom clan ppl will get bored and quit eventually. Its kinda like playing a game in god mode. Eventually you just get bored and move on.

Personally I don’t understand why some things just cant be put in a dungeons so 1 clan doesn’t affect an entire server. I myself spent years battling the dom clan just to complete frozen. Spent thousands on chests and used the gold to buy off defectors. If it wasn’t for that I prolly wouldn’t have crap. Most player will just quit. Deceasing the spawn times seems to have helped it a little. Maybe decrease it more. For everything. Even Gele and BT. Once a certain timezone kills a boss it seems it only spawns for that timezone. Not everyone can be a closet gamer at work. I joined a dom clan and left simply because I didn’t enjoy pinching off the smaller clans. Felt like the entire server was slowly being killed.

Maybe add gear so new players can compete.
Only the devs can fix the issue. Its not like the players will.
I agree. New lvl 220 eg boss doesn't help. Competition would be great on fingal too.
Dalla Crowder 224 rogue Fingal

Re: Against the dominance


You are justifying sociopathic behavior because a dom clan has built an organization that is winning, and they don’t give out their loot to others not in their clan?

This is mildly off-putting.

You want to change a dom clan? Be good enough to get in the clan. Earn your way up just like they did. Become a leader that people respect and value. Make the organization better. Change things because people want them changed, not because your feelings are hurt.

Or compete. Be the better organization. Be the place people want to see win. Their organization wasn’t made in a day. Yours won’t be either.

But in regards to this thread...

You know, manipulation and deception are also available. You can use that effort to sow dissent and discord to wedge a split in sects of the clan to hope it crumbles like the stellar individual you are. You, in a general sense, of course. I’m actually a bit disappointed this has been met with little criticism.
You are assuming that every group that fights to power does so for the right reasons. There has been plenty of cases in history and in game where this is not the case. They are not immune to being evil you know, and even using evil tactics against evil people can be a morally good thing. Note the repetition of the word evil. There are some worlds where the dom clan system does work, but there are also worlds where it does not due to corruption/exclusion. Maybe you haven't ran into this on your world, but I have on mine. Lugh used to be one of the best servers, but ever since people tried to turn it into a dom clan world it basically turned into trash. People are so stubborn about their drops, that they are willing to damage(and probably eventually kill) their world over them.
Lugh is not trash. We have a healthy growing dominant clan which takes down all bosses except Dino. Gele and BT on day of spawn.

You have to question why someone cares about people being ‘stubborn’ with their drops. If it’s because they want to kill endgame bosses with them, then ok I can empathise. But if it’s simply to line their own pockets by selling those drops overpriced then those people should stop the charade of caring about the new players.

The current dom clan was previously the underdog clan. We persevered and stuck it out and now we are dom. it can be done. I think the problem with underdog clans is they usually fall apart through in fighting and greed. Not always but often.
Lugh is trash, I can say that as I am on said world(and have been longer then any other currently active player). There is absolutely no reason to come here, as we don't have anything to offer that another world couldn't do better. It was clearly not ment to be a clan ran world, but since certain people tried to make it so, it crashed pretty badly.

The thing about drops is to give some people hope for progression who otherwise wouldn't have any. I have seen people rejected for little to no reason before, and they instantly have a way harder life just because they stepped on someones foot, or they didn't kiss up to people. On top of that, for those who do join, they will likely be last in line for the good gear. Sounds fair to some, but I wouldn't like knowing that as a fresh new recruit that I might not even ever get good gear as someone who was in longer/more liked then me could always be ahead of me permanently. That is why I always favored the dicing system as you are directly rewarded by showing up at bosses, no strings attached. You may think that drop selling is a bad thing, but its really not. If you level up past your old gear, or get new gear to replace it, you can recoup some money to purchase more lix/restos/other consumables to boss/level more. It lets old gear get distributed instead of rotting away in a bank, and makes life easier on people economically, nonplats especially. The prices wouldn't be high either, supply and demand. In fact, the prices are great for gear on the black market(talking about gold) right now, and thats a very good business. Some people from the clan have been leaking unnoticed gear for that purpose... But in respect to fairness, I still support dicing, as it is a better system for our world, even though it would be worse for me, and I supported it back in the day for the same reason.

We know the clan worked its way up to battle the big bad dom clan, and won, yeah. But said clan does not have to be exactly like its predecessors, no one actually has to fight now you know. If there was actually any care for the server and its wellbeing here, then the leaders would surrender and work with the other clans in order to unify lugh. But instead, I guess a toxic warzone is preferred, as people tend to agree with stuff in their favor instead of whats right.
World - Lugh
Furyion - 192 Ice Mage
Stonelord - 100 PvP Warrior
Lavalord - 60 PvP Warrior
Keepin' it old school.
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Re: Against the dominance

I’m not sure about you being the oldest active player on the server fury. If you were so interested on helping the server you’d be welcoming to newer players, you would use your gold and help them instead of trying to squeeze every last bit of gold from all players then moan when nobody buys your items.

Back to the topic

Each world is different some have Dom clans some don’t. The major thing is clans don’t just appear they take time to build it’s the same with trust between players. Communication is key to either staying a Dom clan or competing against one. With no communication both sides fail
227 Dps Warrior
220 Rogue
220 Mage
220 Tank
220 Ranger
210 Druid
190 Locker Rogue

I don’t think I reads this, but they should message me if so

Re: Against the dominance

You are assuming that every group that fights to power does so for the right reasons. There has been plenty of cases in history and in game where this is not the case. They are not immune to being evil you know, and even using evil tactics against evil people can be a morally good thing. Note the repetition of the word evil. There are some worlds where the dom clan system does work, but there are also worlds where it does not due to corruption/exclusion. Maybe you haven't ran into this on your world, but I have on mine. Lugh used to be one of the best servers, but ever since people tried to turn it into a dom clan world it basically turned into trash. People are so stubborn about their drops, that they are willing to damage(and probably eventually kill) their world over them.
Lugh is not trash. We have a healthy growing dominant clan which takes down all bosses except Dino. Gele and BT on day of spawn.

You have to question why someone cares about people being ‘stubborn’ with their drops. If it’s because they want to kill endgame bosses with them, then ok I can empathise. But if it’s simply to line their own pockets by selling those drops overpriced then those people should stop the charade of caring about the new players.

The current dom clan was previously the underdog clan. We persevered and stuck it out and now we are dom. it can be done. I think the problem with underdog clans is they usually fall apart through in fighting and greed. Not always but often.
Lugh is trash, I can say that as I am on said world(and have been longer then any other currently active player). There is absolutely no reason to come here, as we don't have anything to offer that another world couldn't do better. It was clearly not ment to be a clan ran world, but since certain people tried to make it so, it crashed pretty badly.

The thing about drops is to give some people hope for progression who otherwise wouldn't have any. I have seen people rejected for little to no reason before, and they instantly have a way harder life just because they stepped on someones foot, or they didn't kiss up to people. On top of that, for those who do join, they will likely be last in line for the good gear. Sounds fair to some, but I wouldn't like knowing that as a fresh new recruit that I might not even ever get good gear as someone who was in longer/more liked then me could always be ahead of me permanently. That is why I always favored the dicing system as you are directly rewarded by showing up at bosses, no strings attached. You may think that drop selling is a bad thing, but its really not. If you level up past your old gear, or get new gear to replace it, you can recoup some money to purchase more lix/restos/other consumables to boss/level more. It lets old gear get distributed instead of rotting away in a bank, and makes life easier on people economically, nonplats especially. The prices wouldn't be high either, supply and demand. In fact, the prices are great for gear on the black market(talking about gold) right now, and thats a very good business. Some people from the clan have been leaking unnoticed gear for that purpose... But in respect to fairness, I still support dicing, as it is a better system for our world, even though it would be worse for me, and I supported it back in the day for the same reason.

We know the clan worked its way up to battle the big bad dom clan, and won, yeah. But said clan does not have to be exactly like its predecessors, no one actually has to fight now you know. If there was actually any care for the server and its wellbeing here, then the leaders would surrender and work with the other clans in order to unify lugh. But instead, I guess a toxic warzone is preferred, as people tend to agree with stuff in their favor instead of whats right.
I’m not sure where this speculation and conjecture is coming from. There is no toxic warfare. Nobody has ever been turned down without good reason. Damn we have even accepted some utterly uselesss greedy delusional low level goldmongers in our time. But hey ho. As I’ve said previously, we actually have a bunch of transfers. Friends on other servers who have come to Lugh because our clan is actually really nice, welcoming and fun and the server has very little drama.

Cant put it better than Deq did. Be the change you want to see. Small clans can help each other out instead of selling off everything in AH or charging clannies for crests and stuff. Grow slowly and steadily and persevere. And if all else fails they can always try and farm enough gold to buy that lovely bargain Hrung ring for 1 million :D
MrsDredd - 223 Rogue
Penny Dreadful - 220 Tank Warrior
NurseDredd - 220 Druid
DreadOnFire - 220 Fire Mage
Dreadshot - 220 Ranger
Dreadlocks - 190 Locker

Pegasus, Lugh
Celtic Heroes noob since September 2017

Re: Against the dominance

Doing something evil with a smile and a knife behind your back doesn't make it any less evil. It was a trait the old dom clan owner had, and I'm seeing some resemblances here.

I have literally nothing to do with clans having to buy things. Its funny, someone can just say oh clans can help each other out, but that same person can be the one preventing them from getting the mentioned drops. Funny how that works. Most people on lugh don't want to compete against each other, it's just shoved down their throats by a select few people who want to.

As one of the higher ups, I see your point in trying to recruit people, but I am not going to lie to people looking to xfer here. Since I am a neutral party, I will tell them only the truth(not any of the propaganda), and suggest a different world, because as it stands basing on lugh is a waste of time, money, and resources. My opinion might change if lugh changes, but right now, thats how it's going.
World - Lugh
Furyion - 192 Ice Mage
Stonelord - 100 PvP Warrior
Lavalord - 60 PvP Warrior
Keepin' it old school.
Do you like Celtic Heroes? Join the Official Unofficial Discord today!

Re: Against the dominance

Evil? Dude we aren’t skinning puppies here, it’s a game.

There’s no point in going around in circles here. You have no idea what you’re talking about, you don’t even play 90% of content in the game and your motive is only to line your own pockets. Thank you, next.
MrsDredd - 223 Rogue
Penny Dreadful - 220 Tank Warrior
NurseDredd - 220 Druid
DreadOnFire - 220 Fire Mage
Dreadshot - 220 Ranger
Dreadlocks - 190 Locker

Pegasus, Lugh
Celtic Heroes noob since September 2017

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