yes i agree with you but the difference is we are trying but people keep on losing motivation.I’m not saying it’s down to the people what I am saying is I’ve seen the likes of Rosemerta and Epona amongst others recruit both new and transferring players by making pro active efforts to do so with good effect at various points.
it takes 2 hands to clap, i know few are blaming VR but its our mistake too, as we might have not taken best decisions in past too which affect server greatly.
we are trying to improve, created far better clan system and even recruited lot of people, as i said game is old and many dont have that much motivation these days to get endgame again.
i am not saying take immediate action and do something, just requesting that please think of a way to improve population or increase motivation.
i know people complains are disheartening at times but we have genuine concern too, most of us have spent so much time in this game, why would we suggest something that can harm our effort.
We all wanna help this game grow.