Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Event

Again.. another base in Belenus.
What's the points of this event? Giving more doch gul to top clans? How tf can an inferior clan compete in this event against the superior clan? I mean we thought that we could time the kills so both prime and gele will spawn both time so the top clan will need to choose which boss he wants and we will get the other boss but when its a base we cant time it because it dies too fast. So what now? The gap between both bosses respawn is already 10 min. The chances of killing any prot or gele for not top clans are 0.

Re: Event

Again.. another base in Belenus.
What's the points of this event? Giving more doch gul to top clans? How tf can an inferior clan compete in this event against the superior clan? I mean we thought that we could time the kills so both prime and gele will spawn both time so the top clan will need to choose which boss he wants and we will get the other boss but when its a base we cant time it because it dies too fast. So what now? The gap between both bosses respawn is already 10 min. The chances of killing any prot or gele for not top clans are 0.
Your best dps on bele should be ez

Re: Event

Again.. another base in Belenus.
What's the points of this event? Giving more doch gul to top clans? How tf can an inferior clan compete in this event against the superior clan? I mean we thought that we could time the kills so both prime and gele will spawn both time so the top clan will need to choose which boss he wants and we will get the other boss but when its a base we cant time it because it dies too fast. So what now? The gap between both bosses respawn is already 10 min. The chances of killing any prot or gele for not top clans are 0.
Just get your leaders to dupe again like they tried last time with pures and edl books ect. As well as spamming botter perf baras to try and lock like you do every lock. Not too hard to play fair, can’t expect to just come in and win every boss when you’re clan has been so shakey for a long time.
Belenus - Elementals

WhiteThunder - 224 ranger
DryWater - 220 Warrior
Blorg - 190 Rogue

Re: Event

Again.. another base in Belenus.
What's the points of this event? Giving more doch gul to top clans? How tf can an inferior clan compete in this event against the superior clan? I mean we thought that we could time the kills so both prime and gele will spawn both time so the top clan will need to choose which boss he wants and we will get the other boss but when its a base we cant time it because it dies too fast. So what now? The gap between both bosses respawn is already 10 min. The chances of killing any prot or gele for not top clans are 0.
Ikr this is so unfair guys what the hekk we cant even get any bosses even with all our duped perf baras, we have been wasting 8 of them every prot lock and we still cant get sets out without duping, Fix unfair game ;-;

Re: Event

Again.. another base in Belenus.
What's the points of this event? Giving more doch gul to top clans? How tf can an inferior clan compete in this event against the superior clan? I mean we thought that we could time the kills so both prime and gele will spawn both time so the top clan will need to choose which boss he wants and we will get the other boss but when its a base we cant time it because it dies too fast. So what now? The gap between both bosses respawn is already 10 min. The chances of killing any prot or gele for not top clans are 0.
Ikr this is so unfair guys what the hekk we cant even get any bosses even with all our duped perf baras, we have been wasting 8 of them every prot lock and we still cant get sets out without duping, Fix unfair game ;-;
This post is about how automatic Prime’s were promised and bases have been spawning yet somehow you guys felt it was necessary to mention something completely irrelevant and unnecessary. Wtf is wrong with you? Like honestly, there was no toxicity whatsoever in this thread yet you felt the need to go for the jugular for no reason... I honestly don’t get what goes through your heads man.

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