Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Please reconsider Daily Rewards distribution - bring back Hunters Tokens

What do others think of that solution? Change the daily rewards back to how they were, but change the items in the bounty store to be non-tradeable.
How would you distinguish pets/mounts obtained from turning in both tradeable and non-tradeable tokens?
Mm, that's true, might be more complicated to implement than I thought at the time...
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Re: Please reconsider Daily Rewards distribution - bring back Hunters Tokens

What do others think of that solution? Change the daily rewards back to how they were, but change the items in the bounty store to be non-tradeable.
How would you distinguish pets/mounts obtained from turning in both tradeable and non-tradeable tokens?

Change all mount and pet tokens to non-tradable.
Players are abusing the daily bounty quest by creating 1 million dummy/alt toons.
This is why the community is toxic. Toxic dummy, toxic alt, toxic players and toxic community.

Re: Please reconsider Daily Rewards distribution - bring back Hunters Tokens

What do others think of that solution? Change the daily rewards back to how they were, but change the items in the bounty store to be non-tradeable.
How would you distinguish pets/mounts obtained from turning in both tradeable and non-tradeable tokens?

Change all mount and pet tokens to non-tradable.
Players are abusing the daily bounty quest by creating 1 million dummy/alt toons.
This is why the community is toxic. Toxic dummy, toxic alt, toxic players and toxic community.
there is a lack of mount and pet tokens on Epona at least so i am glad someone doing this.. in the end of the day it doesn't stop anyone from doing the same.. so don't see a reason why anyone is complaining about this.
You Can't Judge A Book By Its Cover. But You Can By Its First Few Chapters And Certainly By Its Last.

Re: Please reconsider Daily Rewards distribution - bring back Hunters Tokens


How would you distinguish pets/mounts obtained from turning in both tradeable and non-tradeable tokens?

Change all mount and pet tokens to non-tradable.
Players are abusing the daily bounty quest by creating 1 million dummy/alt toons.
This is why the community is toxic. Toxic dummy, toxic alt, toxic players and toxic community.
there is a lack of mount and pet tokens on Epona at least so i am glad someone doing this.. in the end of the day it doesn't stop anyone from doing the same.. so don't see a reason why anyone is complaining about this.

A lot of players dont care, you dont care if players are destroying, abusing the game you play for 5 or more years. You dont care at all.
I always complain when players are abusing the game, because i like Celtic Heroes, and i love this game, thats why i care.

Re: Please reconsider Daily Rewards distribution - bring back Hunters Tokens

Esteemed colleagues-

Thank you all for the very interesting and useful opinions offered so far, and especially for the respectful tone of the dialogue.

I appreciate the insight into what may have triggered the recent changes to the Daily Reward program. To be honest, I had never heard that some players had created multiple accounts for the purpose of harvesting NO TRADE tokens which could then be converted into tokens which could be traded.

I guess that, up until now, I had (perhaps erroneously) been operating under the premise that the VR team had implemented what they thought was an improvement to the Daily Reward system that would be a benefit to the player base.....not making an attempt to overcome the abuse of a particular reward by some by removing that reward from everyone.

I'm certainly not an app programmer, but it seems that- perhaps- VR could take a look at some kind of technical fix to correct this problem. This isn't the first time that some players have attempted to "game the system" by violating the Terms of Service either explicitly or implicitly to gain a short term advantage, and each time VR has been able to patch the glitch. Moreover, I would think that VR would be able to identify these multiple accounts pretty easily, and we've all seen players have their accounts banned for conduct less egregious than this.

Please- VR- in the spirit of the upcoming holidays, reconsider this policy of "mass punishment of the innocent for the crimes of the guilty" and bring back the Tokens. Even one purple Hunters Prize per month is worthwhile to those of us who have to make "opportunity cost" decisions each time we log in. Your favorable consideration of this request would be MOST appreciated. Thank you for all your efforts on our behalf!

Very respectfully-

Dadizbad / Dadzdruid
Ranger 141
Druid 190
Planet Lugh
Clan Ancients

Re: Please reconsider Daily Rewards distribution - bring back Hunters Tokens

Esteemed colleagues-

To be honest, I had never heard that some players had created multiple accounts for the purpose of harvesting NO TRADE tokens which could then be converted into tokens which could be traded.

Very respectfully-

Dadizbad / Dadzdruid
Ranger 141
Druid 190
Planet Lugh
Clan Ancients
A lvl 190 player with 2 toons, and a player since 2011 but never heard of this. Youve been playing Celtic Heroes for 9 years but you never heard of this.
Really! LOL!!!

If they bring back the hunter favours as a daily rewards, the mount and pet token should be non-tradable. And Devs should remove the daily bounty quest.
Players are creating 1 millions BOTS just to pick hunter remains in all places in Dal Riata.
If Devs remove the daily bounty quest, all 1 million BOTS will die forever.

Re: Please reconsider Daily Rewards distribution - bring back Hunters Tokens


Thank you for this input, and for your continuing interest in this issue. To answer your question- no - neither I nor my two two toons had previously heard of this particular abuse phenomenon ha ha. Obviously, since 2011, I've seen a few scams come and go, but no I don't spend much energy worrying about how other players may or may not be trying to break the rules. Generally over time, those situations seem to self-correct. But that's just my approach.

In this case though, I think the current "correction"implemented by VR "may", and I emphasize "may", be a less than-than-optimal solution since it takes away something from "law abiding citizens" who have done nothing wrong. (again, we don't yet know for certain the real reasons behind the decision). Hence, my request - echoed by some other members among us, to find a more equitable solution and return the Tokens to the daily reward rotation.

I'm glad you decided this time to offer a potential solution to the problem ("If they bring back the hunter favours as a daily rewards, the mount and pet token should be non-tradable.")

While I think that it might be a bit of an overstatement that "Players are creating 1 millions [sic] BOTS just to pick hunter remains in all places in Dal Riata", your proposed solution on the non-tradable tokens could work (?). I'm sure our community contains members with the requisite expertise in computer programming to let us know how practical that would be.

That said, I don't think your other proposal "If Devs remove the daily bounty quest, all 1 million BOTS will die forever" is going to find much support in the community, but who knows. That would make an interesting thread in "General Discussions" if you decided to tee that up for community commentary (it's off-topic for here).

Thanks again for your passion. Stay safe out there.

Very respectfully-

Dadizbad / Dadzdruid
Ranger 141
Druid 190
Planet Lugh
Clan Ancients

Re: Please reconsider Daily Rewards distribution - bring back Hunters Tokens

Mount whistle for me are useless because i have a premium mount that never die, so i just drop it. But i never cry when the Devs change the daily rewards, because i understand them.
I understand how the game works and how the Devs work, so whatever changes they made in Celtic Heroes, i accept it with open arms.

When i started playing this game wayback 2016, i always complain. I always cry if i never get the best drop or the best weapon and armor. I always complain if there is a bug in the game.
But after playing for more than 4yrs. i just realize that theres no need to complain,
theres no need to cry because,
Celtic Heroes is just a game.
A game to play, to enjoy and to have fun.



I just laugh when endgamers complain and cry for a drop, because they never learn how TO PLAY THE GAME.
Name - Lazy Boy
Class - Rogue
Level - 160
Clan - Just Play and Enjoy
Server - Epona
September, 2020

Re: Please reconsider Daily Rewards distribution - bring back Hunters Tokens

Lazy Boy-

Thank you for your observations and the input, as well as your advice on how newer players can perhaps better enjoy the game by taking a more relaxed approach. Words to live by. This is exactly the kind of feedback that a makes for a vibrant and supportive community.

I wasn’t totally clear on whether you considered the new Daily Reward rotation to be an improvement or not- which was the original question. Based on the fact that you are currently at a minimum discarding the whistle, it would seem that for at least 1/28th of the time you are receiving something of no value to you, which I can’t help but think is not what VR had in mind when making changes to the system.

You’ve obviously put a lot of time and effort into obtaining the equipment you are currently employing- excellent work. My intent in originating this discussion is to see if, community wide, our player base would benefit more from the previous system (with the changes recommended by other posters implemented), or if the community feels the new system is better. My sense is that most people would get more out of the tokens if we could somehow correct the aforementioned abuses. Agreed?

Thanks again, stay safe.

Very respectfully-

Dadizbad / Dadzdruid
Ranger 141
Druid 190
Planet Lugh
Clan Ancients

Re: Please reconsider Daily Rewards distribution - bring back Hunters Tokens

Lazy Boy-

Thank you for your observations and the input, as well as your advice on how newer players can perhaps better enjoy the game by taking a more relaxed approach. Words to live by. This is exactly the kind of feedback that a makes for a vibrant and supportive community.

I wasn’t totally clear on whether you considered the new Daily Reward rotation to be an improvement or not- which was the original question.

Thanks again, stay safe.

Very respectfully-

Dadizbad / Dadzdruid
Ranger 141
Druid 190
Planet Lugh
Clan Ancients
I dont care as long as i got the daily rewards for free. From the 28 free rewards, only 1 is useless so i just throw it. And daily rewards are not game breaker so its not a big deal.

Daily rewards is not a topic to complain, question or debate because its not a game breaker. Theres a lot more important topic to discuss than this one.
Removing daily bounty quest is much more important topic than this daily rewards. Removing daily bounty quest will remove this bots that makes the game lags and crashes.

Example of bots. Theyre bots to pick hunter remains. These bots never dies because of daily bounty quest.

Last edited by lazy boy on Fri Nov 13, 2020 12:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
Name - Lazy Boy
Class - Rogue
Level - 160
Clan - Just Play and Enjoy
Server - Epona
September, 2020

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