The game lacks hand to hand gear for the knuckles to be worth using.
Id like to suggest to add hand to hand rings back to necro but make a remake of old hand to hand rings that were removed.."Ring of mortality?"
Example, you can make necro ring with dex and str with the ability hand to hand and second version can be vit dex.. and also maybe add a double attack ring with handtohand on bt.
Possibly add h2h little bit everywere in the game..
And make the cool down on the dino knuckleblade skill to 40 seconds instead of 45.
Because i think that knuckles cant compare to any other wep on endgame. They are very low ranked imo, only cuz of the lack for the gear.
H2H gear
#1YouTube: MrScar Celtic Heroes
Concordiia, Donn - 25th aug, 2015
Concruiit 25th april, 2017

Concordiia, Donn - 25th aug, 2015
Concruiit 25th april, 2017