Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

H2H gear

The game lacks hand to hand gear for the knuckles to be worth using.

Id like to suggest to add hand to hand rings back to necro but make a remake of old hand to hand rings that were removed.."Ring of mortality?"
Example, you can make necro ring with dex and str with the ability hand to hand and second version can be vit dex.. and also maybe add a double attack ring with handtohand on bt.

Possibly add h2h little bit everywere in the game..
And make the cool down on the dino knuckleblade skill to 40 seconds instead of 45.

Because i think that knuckles cant compare to any other wep on endgame. They are very low ranked imo, only cuz of the lack for the gear.
YouTube: MrScar Celtic Heroes


Concordiia, Donn - 25th aug, 2015
Concruiit 25th april, 2017

Re: H2H gear

The game lacks hand to hand gear for the knuckles to be worth using.

Id like to suggest to add

Wrong section. You should post this on Feedback and Suggestion.
Mod should move this topic to feedback and suggestion.
Acctually its not wrong as its a general discussion of the game and i wanna see what other ppl think.

So i think it well placed here..
But sure can move it if its not in right section :)
YouTube: MrScar Celtic Heroes


Concordiia, Donn - 25th aug, 2015
Concruiit 25th april, 2017

Re: H2H gear

Mr Scar-

For what it’s worth:

1. I agree with you that currently the hand-to-hand skill doesn’t get a lot of love. It seems like a niche capability that some player perhaps use as a fun way to spice gameplay up a little, but otherwise it doesn’t present itself as a viable option for serious combat at the moment. Your suggestion seems like an easy way to widen the aperture for players who may want to try something new.

2. I further agree that General Discussion is the appropriate place to initiate a discussion such as this, if for no other reason than (at least on my devices) you have to be actually logged on with your forum account to even see the “Feedback and Discussions” section. That seems like an unnecessary barrier to community members who may have an opinion to offer on topics, once they are cued to the issue by seeing it on General Discussion if for whatever reason they can’t log on at the moment.

Thanks for your efforts to initiate this dialogue. Stay safe.

Very respectfully-

Dadizbad / Dadzdruid
Ranger 141
Druid 190
Planet Lugh
Clan Ancients

Re: H2H gear

The game lacks hand to hand gear for the knuckles to be worth using.

Id like to suggest to add

Wrong section. You should post this on Feedback and Suggestion.
Mod should move this topic to feedback and suggestion.
Acctually its not wrong as its a general discussion of the game and i wanna see what other ppl think.

So i think it well placed here..
But sure can move it if its not in right section :)
When you said "Id like to suggest to add", and the word " suggest" is in feedback and "suggest"- ion.
But whatever you say, if you want that way i wouldnt argue to endgamers. :lol:

Re: H2H gear

I would love to see weapons get a revamped to make weapons that aren't really viable good options throughout the game for leveling and bossing. Knuckles for every class including casters who have the ability for no reason at the moment it seems. It would be great to see people using two-handed weapons as well. They might make wands usable for auto attacks at the same time. I think it's safe to say the game has a long way to go to make use of the weapons available in the game and I would love for them to make them usable for combat.

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