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New content for smaller clans?

So just thinkin that a 5 player dungeon style raid would be awesome. Must have one player from each class, rewards could vary, could be used to revive dead skills/dmg types. For example some spear ranger gear, more blunt gear (below dhio tier but a good placeholder), totem druid, hand to hand rogue. And for mage maybe add a new type of magic necromancy, just some spells to summon the undead (could use crush dmg for this instead of a new type of magic, meaning crush lure would be used which then also makes more crush warriors)

In regards to the dungeon itself, could be the next place on from CG. Having the 5 player cap will provide some meaningful endgame content for players who aren’t in huge clans so can’t really do raids.

Obvs this is all off the top of my head and I’m sure it’s probs stupid xD but I’d love to hear what people think
Crom Warrior 223 JasonZ
Crom Mage 220 Ronald Mcdonald
Crom Rogue 221 Big Mac
Crom Ranger 190 Large Fries
Crom Druid 220 Ziruu

Re: New content for smaller clans?

I have thought about something like this too. And while it would be cool to get new gear maybe they could make it a way for players to get pures or confluxs for dg. The next place onward from CG would most likely continue onward with the storyline and bring us to crom introducing another armour set which will most likely be like a dark exalted dg set imbued with the power of crom and maybe a dark version of a pure or just more pures who knows. Anyways maybe a npc brings you and a grp of your friends down into a “dungeon” designed for X amount of people but no more than one full grp and gives the ability for clanless/people lower on clans dg lists the ability to get dg. My current thought is that maybe the npc has found a passage into the doch gul chasm where there a treasures (gear) lost from the ages as well as pures and confluxes. You’d only be able to do this “dungeon” once weekly and there’d probably be only a slim chance for a pure/conflux but would still be a cool was to allow clanless/solo players to continue to progress through the game
Magister22-fire Mage
Go Gwyd!

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