Today, I finally able to complete the quest for the event hat. It was very tough and requires a lot of patience, effort in order to collect both shimmering from mobs and to turn in 1000 bottles for 1 shimmering.
it can range between 85 nightmare eyes mobs killed up to 85,000 nightmare eyes mobs kill to get this hat. Luckily, I'm not on the 85,000 side. But, I am proud to make sure Sulis has one.
I'm not a lucky guy, just a person who farms everyday, so its not an impossible quest like many say. But it is hard, compare to previous events hat quests.
I hope that one day, I will be able to ascend to "Heaven".
Where I play guitar and violin along with sipping a tea.
In a beautiful and breathtaking place and to converse in many languages.
That is my dream. That is my "Heaven"