Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

The Forgotten (Fingal)

Looking for any and all players who want to revive fingal. The forgotten clan is a roll based clan that is just wanting to let people enjoy the game again and save fingal. We have hopes to take on Dino one day and definitely put an end to whykickamoocows terror on fingal. If you are interested and play fingal anyone is welcome we just ask that you be semi active. We do have line chats for general chat and boss chat. If your looking for a friendly place and have the same thing in mind as us and want to save fingal and hate the DKP system then the forgotten is the place for you don’t hesitate to reply here with your in game name and I’ll shoot you an email and get you in the clan post haste. Thank you for your time and I hope you too want to help like us!

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