Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Suggestion for DECA to help the community quickly move past this event.

I appreciate the sentiment as also a player since 2012 and just came back.

However firstly a meaningful event would take a long time to create and by that time the window to act will be over.

My suggestion is give people to compensate them for their time, maybe a few lixes and potions or something. And maybe some fireworks or other consumables that would make people excited to party with their friends.

I don't like the game doing "10x this or that" events and cheapens the game to me. But I also have not been a $1000 a month whale either and don't know their mentality. But for me, keeping the games consistency is important. The decision to keep moving progression vertical instead of horizontal I think was a mistake, but to untangle that bad design decision was made by OTM will take more than just a quick change to fix in a good way that doesn't alienate players on both sides of spending extremes.

Re: Suggestion for DECA to help the community quickly move past this event.


The decision to keep moving progression vertical instead of horizontal I think was a mistake, but to untangle that bad design decision was made by OTM will take more than just a quick change to fix in a good way that doesn't alienate players on both sides of spending extremes.
Agree. I'm also an original player just returned, really noticing how fast my newer chars are levelling. I'm out of the level range for the zone before I have gear to move on. Slowing non-lixxed XP and adding jewelry and weapon quests so you can progress fully geared via quests (or through crafting if they want to build that out) would appeal to me. When leveling up is an adventure not a grind, games are a lot more fun.

Re: Suggestion for DECA to help the community quickly move past this event.

2011 player also here, i REALLY dont think the xp should be dramatically changed. it is 100 hours (roughly 400 lixes) to level even if you dont level optimally which imo is enough time to learn the game on your first character. even on the current xp level you get people who dont know how to play at 220 anyway. my last alt took 243 lixes (just under 61 hours) from 0 to 220 which, i think is reasonable but i understand not everyone thinks

sure, its annoying if youve already levelled once to level again from the start, but my suggestion is: have a kind of 'ticket' where after a character is level 220 on an account, any characters that are created on the same account get an xp multiplier. this would fix no one buying character slots and making loads of separate accounts instead..

as a light spender the plat prices are fine (imo) most servers arent completely desperate for plat items. would be better to just have more frequent events that include double plat on top of new events, which i expect deca to start on after they have completed their transition period, so not worried there
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