Hi guys, new player here, only been playing for a week or two and i was only 2 days in when the hack on epona happened. I was just wondering when all these problems are going to be sorted out? I know the new owners are in a transition phase and i appreciate that but how does DECA expect anyone let alone new players to be on the game when there has been an endless amount of problems in the last week or so? I am really enjoying this game even though on the belenus server (which is where i play) is pretty dead other than the massive clans that rum the show over there lol but the game is really starting to test my patience now as i havent been able to log in all day and these problems seem to be growing instead of declining. I even joined the beta which worked alot better even though i had to start anew because of progress being set back a month for some reason, i didnt even recieve the 400 platinum that was promised on the beta (yes i know it wouldnt have carried over so is a fairly pointless complaint but its the principle of the matter) i also didnt recieve the 100 platinum on my main despite doing what was asked of me. I don't usually make posts like these but i genuinely do have love for this game even though ive only played for a short amount of time (im lvl 95 btw) but nearly every post i have read on this forum that comes from DECA themselves has simply not been true. I really want to continue playing CH but if these problems persist and DECA doesnt stay true to their word i will just simply have to uninstall the app, i only started in the first place because my friend (who used to play years ago and is lvl120) has recently started playing again and recommended this game to me so i gave it a chance and loved it in fact i loved it so much that the first time i played i stayed awake for nearly 48 hours straight just to progress and grind to catch up with my friend so we can play together. DECA please sort this stuff out as its getting out of hand now and you are communicating very little with the people that keep you with a job, i dont really care too much about platinum but am i pretty annoyed that most days i cant even get into the game. If anyone reads this and takes notice just know that this isnt me having a go or ranting this post is born from a passion for gaming and new found love for a new found game. Thank you and kind regards to everyone associated with DECA and the players themselves. (Also its 6.30am for me over in britain right now and i havent been able to log in since around this time yesterday and i know its not a problem on my end lol)
Hey, the 100 platinum will be added in one of the updates going on, they stated that in the announcement for beta, just a matter of time, plus the opportunity to test for a game is a reward in itself
Should also know that deca isnt at fault for the events happening, they're the ones fixing it so that people can play safely, hooefully uploading to the cloud can do this, its safe to say they have our interests at heart from the beta meeting in epona and the fact their already upgrading