whats to stop people from camping bosses to get first hit, still a flawed system as most will be. whatb happens if that person dies and dont use idols and repawns at port does he lose the 25% dmg or does it goto the team? how are u ment to code that one?I am adding solutions to the main text of the post as people post their solution.
What if instead of a target lock there was a first hit contribution of 25%. So the first hit gives the equivalent of the credit of 25% of the kill's hp?
seems if you all wasted as much time on lvling rather than thinking of better ways to improve a system which has been in place since its birth... well before most of you got here.... we would not be having this discussion.
there is no fair way of tryin to work it out other than shaftin the plat spenders who waste money on idols, if you are going to introduce a system u have to have the option to be able to spawn where you die and maybe lose some xp in the process rather than having to purchase idols... least this way it always gives you an incentive to have to train also if you happen to die 30 times and lose half a lvl.
i refuse to pay for idols during raids if there is a locking system put into place or any of these other flawed systems.
got to think of whats fair for all not just the little guy who wants his shinny armor.