by Caliban
Hi. This happens sometimes. Look at how it functionally occurs.
You see the dragon and shout.
Maybe you are the first person to see it, maybe not. It is possible and even likely that other people are already talking about your dragon.
Ok. Assume for a second that no one else has seen said dragon. You shout. Dragon! As any sane person might do upon seeing a dragon
Someone who happens to be in Lir, probably camping dragons or maybe working on masks hears you.
They tell their clan in clan chat, all invisible to you. They ask for help and if anyone is interested... Or maybe they just shout in clan chat: Dragon! Dragon! Dragon!... As any sane person might do upon seeing a dragon.
Boom. 6 'hi levels' roll in to help the person in their clan that asked them. Maybe those people were doing something else that they stopped in order to help their clan mate. That is highly likely.
It is likely that only one or two of those people saw your shout. Maybe those one or two also saw the dragon without your shout since they are probably camping it. People collect armor and such, so they do camp them.
Now you want in the group because you feel you found the dragon, and that is not crazy.
If you are one of the people who responded to a request from your clan, came from elsehwere, and are now fighting the dragon you will often find yourself spammed with friend, trade, and grouping requests mostly from people you do not know. Depending on which dragon and and your role in the fight you may not have the time to chat with each of these people and understand what they want... And they often want all sorts of things that do not inclide the dragon in any way. I am told it is because I am old and slow (with some implied stupidity along the way), but I do not do a very good job of talking and fighting, even in relatively simple fights. Causes me to die, which often causes others to die.
Additionally, in our clan, if you have responded to a call from another player, the group is then their group to decide who joins and not. From outside the group it is usually hard to tell whose group it is. It is considered bad form to invite a bunch of people into someone else's group.
In that scenario, maybe start by asking whose group it is, even thou you feel you found the dragon and should not have to ask. This will at least force a conversation within the group... Again invisible to you.
Functionally, that is what happens.
It is entirely possible that I am one of the people you are talking about. If I was one of the people who somehow seemed to ignore you it was not my intent to be rude or selfish.
Please notice that in this scenario, people are helping each other, working in teams, responding to the requests of others. It is just being done in a way that you cannot see it and leaves you feeling left out. Makes sense.
Here is what you could do short of months of leveling and other things like that. Might or might not work. See if you can figure out who might be camping the dragon. Talk to them, before there is a dragon. Once there is a dragon it is all going to happen pretty fast and they probably won't have time to talk. They are camping the dragon. If you are leveling in the area, offer to help on the condition that you get included in group. That is, you will watch for the dragon while you are leveling and let them know. Heck, they may not be in a group while camping. Group with them if they are willing. There are several spawn points and should be some more after today's patch. Offer to level at one of those, etc.
It is not simply a matter of all these people being selfish and greedy, or at least not just that.
The corporate reality in the modern world is a very different matter altogether.