I do not think I can intelligently engage with you any longer... I mean quoting me without adding anything of your own...
And no, radiant armor does not add any damage advantages for a spell caster, so I am going to have to more outwardly disagree with your claim.
Radiant does have potential bonus to a caster. The elemental damage from radiant is added to wand damage. Many mages use an elemental golden blade for this reason.
But a group support only druid, mabye not, although the defense would help a lot.
Point taken. I will be sticking to items which more directly boost the effectiveness of my heals and buffs, but thats just me.
Back to Fromen, it would seem here that we are all on the same page. The developers have put out some incredible armor, I would argue it is not ideal for froup support druids, but that might be the only exception, anyone who deals damage or takes hits will like Radiant.
Fromen you are saying that with these powerful new items other classes can assume more tank-oriented roles and dish out better damage than you. Maybe so... But they will still not be able to be as good at taking as you assuming you are also in this gear. Maybe that doesnt matter on every creature because your defense would be overkill, especially with good druid heals and buffs, but this game is dynamic, there will always be harder things to fight. Someday our friends may need you to put on that radiant, go full tank, and hold down the next big boss! We all need to understand that different classes will be better in certain situations, it may feel like nerfing, but only for a while when that new boss is popular. Take this from a true observer, a non-damage dealing druid there to heal in every fight. I watch characters excel and underwhelm in different scenarios, but a bit of overkill tanking is always alright with me. My advice, focus on being the best tank you can be and dont worry about whether you can out dps the dps classes, they will never out-tank you...