there not a high price is just the server is dead that there is currently no one to buy the items so i have to repeatadly list 100 times every 3 days can be annoying and i cant shout in castle becuase there is no one to see it i seell rems tabs elicrs fash and all sometimes charms for 10k each with no buyerI feel like if the auction house time limit were increased, it would only bloat the poor auction house with more items that are listed for high prices that no one really wants. If no one is buying your items, perhaps they are priced too high, or there just isn't any demand for it.Can we please have the acution house time limit raised from 48 hours to 1 week that way i dont have to keep listing items that dont sell and lower the depsoit fee to 1% for the 2 week option or even 1 week
Re: Idea for the Auction House
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