The amount of time tanks hold aggro - boosts chances of winning..
The amount of heals a Druid does - boosts chance of winning..
The amount of damage dealt by everyone - boosts chance of winning..
I think this main thing lies in who has and keeps aggro..
This would mean that if a group without any Druids or tanks tried ksing a group with 3 Druids 3 tanks and 2dps.. It would not be possible.
This is not ways of ksing.. This would mean whoever gets the kill would have tanked it, healed the tank, and done damage. Much better idea..
As for honor ruling.. Me and my clan were at Woodcrown, 2DPS, 3heals, 3tanks.. (conveniently).. A member of another clan was there.. I said, are you guys going to take? If you want to take, then go ahead, if not we are going to take, but I'm not ffaing.. What he basically said was, we don't have the tanks or heals at the moment, but i will wait here and ffa and call my clans dps if you start... They had more than enough dps online to beat us. (those were not his exact words, but that's ultimately what he said and ment). Me and my clan were forced to leave Woodcrown, even though we could have taken with ease. Same thing happened with Chained King a couple of days ago.. We had Druids, tanks and 1 or 2 dps in a group.. Off course a clan came along and took with a dps group
how's that for 'Honor ruling'...
Make tanks holding aggro and Druids healing a part of winning boss fights! It is the best and most honorable way to win a boss fight.