Re: Group DPS and KSing?
#11i am asking this question because i have seen some amazing KSing happen in Herne where i believe completely that my group will get the kill and someone comes along and completely owns the boss with their group and they get the kill even though they started after us... i was also really wondering is kills go by group DPS or single handed DPS as where the rogue of a group does not deal enough damage as opposed to someone outside of the group with better DPS getting the kill. I just have been wondering because there are rival clans in Herne and there has been KSing going on in the past and present. Thanks for all of your input though it helped me understand it a little more, but even as i said before and you are able to see here people have been answering different things to my question, some of which contradict each other.
Druid lvl 130
World: Herne
Clan: Defiance
World: Herne
Clan: Defiance