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Re: mage offhand

H2h Mage has been more effective and more fun to play.
It's quite sad OTM let this thing happen. Mages are supposed to cast spells, not punch like a boxer.
Nerf this whole one handed thing by adding an attack speed to offhands that only kicks in in u have no mainhand equipped. REALLY bad move to let mainhands become completely useless.

Re: mage offhand

lol that should have already been balanced with h2h attack speed. And rangers and rouges can already hit faster than h2h with a real weapon anyway so how is it fair to nerf h2h?

Also the problem is just wand damage. Make wand damage scale with focus and bam, people will use them.
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?

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