Well i will post some on my infromation you may need
Rites of croms are the papers for mages they can be drop from all 6 stars bosses at stonevale (ff,chill,star,spire,fal)
Any items upgrade need can be drop from any redbosses place holder but in minimun percent.
To make spawn at gem version of mob. You got heavily farm one area 3-5 kills only in repetive way to make spawn. For long periods of time. Depending of the mob 1 1/2-6hrs but you still have 50/50 chance to make a gold carrier spawn.
A rare drop for Dreamsong wisp or any 4 star wisp , any 4 stars lvl mobs a catacoumbs, any red place holder.
Diamond sould orb
Arch and diciples at catacoumbs , some 5 stars wisp , soul walker. Rarely any redboss place holder.
Diamond crystal horn
4 stars emblamcers , 4 stars regular corrupted, crumblehorn, spearhorn place holders gem, crystalhorns
Diamond tusk
Guzzetusk, goldtuzk , some goretuzk place holders and gem,
Diamond demon stone
Demonologyst, harbringer, archs and diciples, deadroot places holders and gem.
Fairie diamond
Crystalseekers, queen fairie, baobhans, bladewing place holders and gem.
Gold ingot
Artizal, connarcth smelters, ironspike gem and place holders.
How to make spawn :
Connarcth Smelters ( 6 diferet ingots he carrie all need it for upgrades)
ETA; 3 hrs apart sometimes someelse will kill a connarcth in another area and making spawn on the place. Only need to camp 1 place at time. This are rinse wash and repeat.
Favorites places to make spawn
Little L shape ruins where 3 mobs ( coldseekers) spawn close to redbane kill the 5 mobs the respawn around the area.
Top of the castle Kill all the mobs only top of the castle.
Brigde near iron kill all the kobs the spawn at brigde.
Fairie gemseeker/goldwings
ETA: 1 1/2 hrs to 3 hrs
Windmill is 2 options a complete wipe out all the faires there or only certain spot up to player taste.
1 option , make complete rounds comig from the brigde and endig behind last house were blade spawn. Faire will spawn near the building or behind them .
2 option farm the 4 spawns the are from the tree to the center of the two buildings.
No time on this one can spawn in the mobs near the laystone a north rd favorite is 1 mob entrance of boars cove. Killig him until spawns killing the other 2 at beginning of the rd helps out too.
Crystal horn
Time of spawn rate change it but easiest way to make spawn
Kill all horses only in repetie circle from the one entrance of blood grove. To near ff he spawns in 3 places in the route 1 bloodgrove entrance horse, horse where starspell spawns , horse between islands near ff.
Demonogylist druid
No time on him 2 ways to make spawn:
1 killing the 4 druids at entrance of the cove he will spawn at front the big rock.
2 killing all the mobs at cove he can spawn at any place this way with in the cove.
Note: spawns time and ratio can bechange with each pacth so may Take less or more time.
Re: I need help with meteoric weapon mini-boss spawn points
#11Inactive player .
En este juego , mientras tanto otros juegos se llevan mi plata.
En este juego , mientras tanto otros juegos se llevan mi plata.