You can convert it to time required to level. Multiply the number of elixers by 60 to get time in minutes without elixers.
Come on tea, this is information. You can do a lot with it.
Mdimarco does a ton for the community with his graphs. I don't, nor am I slighting the effort or the time that are put into them. The info is quite valuable. But my point stands. At a certain point, even as useful and as interesting as it is to see the info, the info also needs to be qualified with another side of the story which is: Enjoy the game.
Hehe ya I really just made the graph to use and to get some feedback with how many elixers people use in real gameplay so I can take turn that 60 second constant into a variable to better predict.
And I'm constantly working on calculations so don't think I am trying to make a point with this one, this is just one of the logical steps from my last post on 1 star monsters to lvl.
If I wanted to make the graph look bad I would have made it shorter. Then it would look really steep.
So by stretching it out lengthwise I showed that its really not that bad.
It is just info...there are plenty of ways to "Lie with charts" to make people believe something that isn't true. I used none of them.
If it takes you longer or shorter to kill a 1 star than 60 seconds, divide the number of elixers required, like Daruma. It should be a pretty good predictor if used as stipulated in the graph.
Advancing society through math. The more you know, the better decisions you can make, same as the resistance calculations.
Nerfed Mage ~140
Why play a class where skills cost more than other classes for same damage?
Why play a class with no auto attack?
Why play a class with 1/3 the armor?
Why play a caster?
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