Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: What should make a "noob" a "noob"

I don't care about level. In fact, I'm willing to bet that someone who's played an mmo before(i.e. he/she knows not to beg, etc) is probably gonna be nicer than a real high level or something. I'm not hating on high levels and I know quite a few who are cool, but some people who used to be my friends turned into jerks as they sped past me in levels. They sometimes start ksing, join a rival clan, and start thinking too high of themselves. I knew one person who did that, but he went too far. He was a lvl 107 but I hated his guts, brain and all. He is an example of a noob. Not some of my low level friends i played with

Re: What should make a "noob" a "noob"

Time spent playing is the transition between noob and just a regular player. Level usually has nothing to do with it.

I know someone still less than level 120, yet had been playing for a long time. Does this make them a noob? No.
I know a few people who hit 150 quite fast after starting the game. Does their level mean they know the game well at all? Nope! They are high leveled, but still technically noobs.

Being a noob doesn't mean you're not a great person or that you could never be good. It doesn't mean anything besides that you are new to the game, thus the title 'newbee' which is what a noob is.
SirBlaze333 - 220+ Warrior
(Returning Player)

Re: What should make a "noob" a "noob"

My number #1 noob definition is when a lower level asks to join a boss fight and then stands there and watches.
They actually never hit the boss.

Or they die and they just lay on the ground and don't even think to walk back or use an idol.
I have seen players lay on the ground for Shiver! with him only 1/4 dead!
Same with Stonefang... :roll:

So to all noobs reading this...
If you want to join a group then please consider contributing and don't just stand or lay dead and watch!

Re: What should make a "noob" a "noob"

Time spent playing is the transition between noob and just a regular player. Level usually has nothing to do with it.

I know someone still less than level 120, yet had been playing for a long time. Does this make them a noob? No.
I know a few people who hit 150 quite fast after starting the game. Does their level mean they know the game well at all? Nope! They are high leveled, but still technically noobs.

Being a noob doesn't mean you're not a great person or that you could never be good. It doesn't mean anything besides that you are new to the game, thus the title 'newbee' which is what a noob is.
That's the argument I make when someone calls me a noob. It really ticks me off when a high level who's only been playing since last halloween or something calls me a noob, and I can't do anything about it :|

Re: What should make a "noob" a "noob"

Time spent playing is the transition between noob and just a regular player. Level usually has nothing to do with it.

I know someone still less than level 120, yet had been playing for a long time. Does this make them a noob? No.
I know a few people who hit 150 quite fast after starting the game. Does their level mean they know the game well at all? Nope! They are high leveled, but still technically noobs.

Being a noob doesn't mean you're not a great person or that you could never be good. It doesn't mean anything besides that you are new to the game, thus the title 'newbee' which is what a noob is.
That's the argument I make when someone calls me a noob. It really ticks me off when a high level who's only been playing since last halloween or something calls me a noob, and I can't do anything about it :|

You can actually .

Level up
Clan Avalon


Re: What should make a "noob" a "noob"

Time spent playing is the transition between noob and just a regular player. Level usually has nothing to do with it.

I know someone still less than level 120, yet had been playing for a long time. Does this make them a noob? No.
I know a few people who hit 150 quite fast after starting the game. Does their level mean they know the game well at all? Nope! They are high leveled, but still technically noobs.

Being a noob doesn't mean you're not a great person or that you could never be good. It doesn't mean anything besides that you are new to the game, thus the title 'newbee' which is what a noob is.
That's the argument I make when someone calls me a noob. It really ticks me off when a high level who's only been playing since last halloween or something calls me a noob, and I can't do anything about it :|

You can actually .

Level up
I can try, but that doesn't mean I'll catch up to em. I can't buy platinum, I'm flat out broke, and being 40 levels or so under them without elixers doesnt help my point much

Re: What should make a "noob" a "noob"

I can try, but that doesn't mean I'll catch up to em. I can't buy platinum, I'm flat out broke, and being 40 levels or so under them without elixers doesnt help my point much
It's not your level that determines your power, it's your personality. If you are smart, tactful, and you don't cuss, you can win any argument against any person, regardless of their level or clan or gear. When I was level 8 a lvl 125 (Not naming names) ksed my Crookback Goldtooth. I of course responded, and after 30 mins of calm (at my end) discussion I had reduced the 125 from an attitude of "MUAHAHA I AM LVL 125!! ALL SHALL TREMBLE BENEATH MY ALMIGHTY STRENGTH!!!" to one of "...(whimper)... please don't tell the clan general's about the ks.... (whimper)... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE I WILL DO ANYTHING...."

I received a 10k refund and gave the 125 a stern scolding about ksing.

It's not your level that matters, it's how you deliver an argument.

Re: What should make a "noob" a "noob"

Anyone who types "noob" not knowing that there is actually a silent "g," I consider a gnoob.

It comes from ancient Gaelic mythology. A Gnoobling was the young offspring of a Gnome and a Halfling. It was often shortened to gnoob.

It is still present in common idioms and proverbs found in the Scottish hills.

For example:

"Hide yer peaches 'fore the gnoobs come theivin'. "
"A gnoob in the hand is worth two in the bush."
"Best hold yer tongue, lest the gnoobs hold it for ya."

If anyone was wondering... there is also a silent "h" in Trohll.... ;)
Dersu of Herne
lvl 135+ Druid (Double Helix Build)
Clan Infection... of the Britannians family of clans.

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