Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Arena ideology debate !

once there was like 10 noobs in arena and were having a cry bout me helping a friend with his daily and i wouldnt kill them all to boring, so i hope on my alt with decent lux round same lvl as them and just slaughter them all best part is they kept coming back so i slowly go up my pvp rank.
Homeless guy
Lvl 113+ Druid hybrid
IWarriorhd's favorite homeless druid, yea that's right get on my level :D

Re: Arena ideology debate !

if you want to base your arena activity on gladiator movies, fine, but I think you will find that gladiators in those movies only die once. If you want to be more "realistic" you would also consider that real historic arena fighters first and foremost wanted to survive the day.

Therefore you will find differences between gladiator movie behavior (forced onto arena, must kill or die), and CH arena action (you get points if you manage to kill someone who is not paying attention, and if you die you can take an idol and continue)

My personal summary will be this: you are not forced to kill or be killed in CH arena. It follows that you are not entitled to go around and kill at a whim if it is apparent that the people you attack do not wish to play the arena like that. If you are opportunistic and kill people who are either afk or busy killing for quest, you are a cheap backstabber and you will get less goodwill from other players, who will not help you out when you need it for boss fights, quests etc.

Many people only use arena to do gladiator quest. If you obstruct their quest, expect to have your own questing obstructed.
Lugh - clan Ancients
Derken - Warrior (general)
Pointy - Rogue
Glob - Ranger
IsleOfLamp - Mage
Herculager - Warrior
Kefse - Druid

Re: Arena ideology debate !

if you want to base your arena activity on gladiator movies, fine, but I think you will find that gladiators in those movies only die once. If you want to be more "realistic" you would also consider that real historic arena fighters first and foremost wanted to survive the day.

Therefore you will find differences between gladiator movie behavior (forced onto arena, must kill or die), and CH arena action (you get points if you manage to kill someone who is not paying attention, and if you die you can take an idol and continue)

My personal summary will be this: you are not forced to kill or be killed in CH arena. It follows that you are not entitled to go around and kill at a whim if it is apparent that the people you attack do not wish to play the arena like that. If you are opportunistic and kill people who are either afk or busy killing for quest, you are a cheap backstabber and you will get less goodwill from other players, who will not help you out when you need it for boss fights, quests etc.

Many people only use arena to do gladiator quest. If you obstruct their quest, expect to have your own questing obstructed.
So true
217 ranger

Re: Arena ideology debate !

The Arena zone is a free for all zone. Unless you group and what not but there are no laws governing what you can and cannot do. It all depends on who you are as a person. Personally, killing someone that is killing a Gladiator is wrong. They're in there to do their Daily Quest and not to engage in combat with others but then again, it's the arena. What would you expect?

Re: Arena ideology debate !

The Arena zone is a free for all zone. Unless you group and what not but there are no laws governing what you can and cannot do. It all depends on who you are as a person. Personally, killing someone that is killing a Gladiator is wrong. They're in there to do their Daily Quest and not to engage in combat with others but then again, it's the arena. What would you expect?
It shouldn't take an hour to kill a gladiator. That's just plain stupid.
World- Sulis
FrostKnight- LVL 222 Ranger
FrostDagger- LVL 198 Rogue
Sancus- LVL 197 Mage

Re: Arena ideology debate !

The Arena zone is a free for all zone. Unless you group and what not but there are no laws governing what you can and cannot do. It all depends on who you are as a person. Personally, killing someone that is killing a Gladiator is wrong. They're in there to do their Daily Quest and not to engage in combat with others but then again, it's the arena. What would you expect?
Youre quite right that there are no CH given laws for arena conduct. There are no laws for general game conduct either besides language issues, account selling etc. For example, there is no law that stops a high lvl player to run in and kill a wisp from the fugitive menagerie in front of a lower lvl player who is obviously preparing for attack to get e.g. Meteoric upgrade kill. However, this is behaviour that will have consequences on how people treat you in game. The fact that the arena is an open area where anyone can duel og group fight does not automatically mean that attacking those who want to be left alone is in any way ok.
Lugh - clan Ancients
Derken - Warrior (general)
Pointy - Rogue
Glob - Ranger
IsleOfLamp - Mage
Herculager - Warrior
Kefse - Druid

Re: Arena ideology debate !

i think some high levels are hypocritical, obiously this level 130 guy just goes into the arena and kills everyone lower level than him, but has never had a level 150 repetedly kill him in the arena when 130 doing quest.

i think this game is super unbalanced... the difference between a level 70 plat buyer and a level 70 non plat buyer is tremendous. level 70 non plat buyer dosent stand a chance against level 70 plat buyer in pvp.
lets face it, this game is really hard if you dont buy plat. and i think killing lower levels in arena is cowardish. there really needs to be a limit like you can only attack people whithin 10-12 levels of your range. at the moment its sad having level 130s etc kill low levels. its verry unconsiderate for the low levels, maybe im too nice?? i dont think so, i think some people are too crude and hypocritical.
as of V5 -

Re: Arena ideology debate !

I think some people are way too pissy on arena kills. have you ever watched a gladiator movie where the fighters stand there chatting and talking bout there life story? no they murder each other don't they? I'm not saying I go around killing every person i see, its just that if I maybe mistakenly tap someone in the arena they usually set themselves off in a hissyfit and start wetting themselves with anger then gather their whole clan as if I'm Kim Jong-Un screaming "I WIRR NUKE JOO ARR!!!!", just get into yourself, you're in an arena where you're supposed to beat the living feces out of eachother!
i think i better keep out the arena for a bit now but
have fun!

Re: Arena ideology debate !

The Arena zone is a free for all zone. Unless you group and what not but there are no laws governing what you can and cannot do. It all depends on who you are as a person. Personally, killing someone that is killing a Gladiator is wrong. They're in there to do their Daily Quest and not to engage in combat with others but then again, it's the arena. What would you expect?
Well one time i was getting daily with druid and had past half hp and a guy came and killed to take my glad i sat there dead and he killed i got the stuff for it i just laughed
Zonga - druid - suport

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