How can you say that he stole from your clan. It was dropped into his inventory
It's quite obvious you have no clue how raiding clans handle loot. There is usually more than one 8-man group to kill Aggy. Are you saying only the group who got the kill deserves all the drops? What about the support or the tank groups?
I understand that. He did not steal. Stealing is taking ones property without their consent or knowledge. As I stated earlier, you can claim he was kicked for not turning in a drop. To say he stole is taking it to another level. Just call it what it is a dispute in turning in a drop is why he was kicked. I don't care for him personally but slander and false accusations is going beyond justification.
Well, I don't know how else you can put it. He logged immediately after the fight. We then rushed to kill Ymir and didn't collect the loot several minutes later. By then, people forgot who got what and no one usually takes screenshots.
When we asked the group to check their bags, said he didn't get it. But after several fake tickets to support and photoshopped screenshots, he got kicked for lying about it. He wears the bracelet openly now. If that isn't stealing to you, then you are a very naive man.
I find this hard to believe honestly. I joined an end game clan and was given things only to decide I did not want to be in their clan any more. I was told I had used the clan when the fact of the matter remains that the gear obtained was earned through bossing and healing in level groups. this post makes you sound like everyone who you give gear to should pledge their allegiance to you forever. don't cry about people who have earned their place and then decided to move on, probably to something better from the sounds of it.
You misunderstand. I meant that he already gets all the best stuff and everything he needs from the clan. There is absolutely no reason to steal from us, yet he did. I've no problems if he decided to leave Avalon and join another clan. But taking something that was awarded to another member - that's stealing in my book.
There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure
A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.