Woot, Exciting times lol
Its a no brainer you need a lot more 190s on the damage side:
a) Damage resist from lower lvs
b) Mordris insane health
Adds side I presume Priestess is the main problem as it has a 5 min spawn time and huge heal? I suppose you can try
a) Contain it?
1) Traditional tank mode (Does Priest enrage?)
2) I suppose bolas and roots are possible but considering its aoe heal and damage, not exactly a good idea.
3) Energy harvest to kill off the aoe heal and damage
Same as tamers and Yes may take a long while but it maybe worth testing to see how long it takes for priest to just melee. It also makes rangers life a whole lot easier if bolas.
4) Howling wind it and the tanker (rogue or warrior) be someone with best defence stats + gear to test this theory. (If this works, doesn't matter whether enrage is on)
Assuming she enrages
b) Broom it?
1) the area is pretty huge right? So brooming could be possible? (Now is 100% speed bonus yes?)
Tho finding the sweet spot of brooming + avoiding Modris and trolls AOE skill could be challenging.
2) You know how on DL gear bosses, we time the adds against the *call for help*, see whether you can time the brooming against Modris *call for help*
Good luck
Re: Mordris practice run (Taranis)
#11MorphMarfa has retired from Celtic Heroes and most probably wont be resurfacing. He had a enjoyable time during his druid adventures in Taranis.
Lv 182+ Druid : Taranis
Lv 182+ Druid : Taranis