We have tried to set up a treaty before, they declined and continued to grief/harrass us at bosses.OTM need to take action already against these griefers, admins need to hop on servers for once and start warning and banning some people.
Sadly griefing will always happen as there are always arrogant dbags almost everywhere who dont like seeing others happy.
If you or any of your clanmates grief then you should hang your head in shame, why be in a clan that supports pathetic methods of nuisance?
Celtic Heroes is an open world mmo, other mmo's on AppStore have dungeons with limited amount of players inside, this game doesn't, and If people aren't being able to kill bosses because of griefers, this game will have a dark future.
To OP, the only thing I would recommend is setting up a treaty or just moving out of your world, no one deserves to be treated like this.
Also we all shouldn't have to move worlds because of some kids using game glitches to beat end game players, Alot of us in Ascension have been on the game for years.
And i am saying we wouldn't mind so much if they griefed us legit rather than cheating.