This is an opioin lol do you know the ins and outs of iTunes ? I only know of one player that actually does work for Apple i will have to get his input on it when I log . I don't think Apple has the time to be checking in on games to make sure they are not sharing accounts , they have bigger fish to fry . I think most would agree with me when I say it should be allowed but at your own risk. ... agreement/
It's clearly spelled out in 3.3.17 for that years agreement.
As you may have figured any apple employee who actually has knowledge of the agreement must have signed a NDA opening them to lawsuit if they say a word.
I know the inns and outs because I have friends who are developers for both apple and android as well as other platforms. It's about apple striking fear into the hearts of developers and to keep them in line. If you dnt believe apple would screw developers over to make sure all financial transactions of any kind, even if it's just mobility of in app purchases, go through apple so they can get their grubby hands on the money you have no idea of the kind of company apple is. While its true apple may not care much the fear of bringing down the biggest and best legal team in the world onto your tiny startup is enough to keep any sane company in line.
Apple can go as far as to remote wipe all iDevices of celtic heroes. You don't own ch you purchased (for free) the right to lease it from apple for as long as apple sees fit to let you retain access.
It dosent matter what player opinion is it will never happen.