by Celts
Glad to see otm decided to take the improvement course over shutting down the game, even if its happening a bit late. But once otm is already adressing issues, id like to list some of my major concerns.
1. Survivability in this game is 0 (unless u happen to be a warrior tank with top class items, lixs, and five druids+ focused on you): one doesnt play this game expecting to survive a boss battle. I think this needs some reworking.maybe increase all health in the game x2. Same with armour. Maybe increase damage out of players and ecrease boss damage. Bosses should be easier to kill for all players, it shouldnt be a engame clan exclusive thing. They have the dl bosses just for them already... A major issue brought up is that u could then spam idol kill a boss. And im wondering, why is it a issue? If players are willing to spend their plat earned idols to kill a boss in a "free to play" game, then it should be possible. One can argue in a well organized group raid (which only end game clans can arrange now adays) it could be free to play, but realisticly, bosses are made way too hard and discourage players who arent in endgame clans from killing them, which means less items are being spread around. A major issue which i want to discuss next is a direct result from this is the lack of powerful gear for anyone not in an endgame clan.
2. If you arent in an endgame clan, your stats will be at most half of what someone your level has in an endgame clan: as a rogue, i consider hp and dmage a high priority. The fact that my friend with dragonlord armour has 2x my stats at my level just bc of his armour is sad, and it means i stand no chance against him. Their has to be powerful gear availible for everyone. And it doesnt need to cost 2m. If this is truly a free to play game, their should be more then one way to earn good armour excluding paying exhorbant amounts for it. Not everyone wants to be in the endgame clan in their server, but the way this game is set up leaves no choice. I think everyone but those in endgame clans with endgame gear who feel threatened by this prospect would like to see some fairness in between the two groups.
3. Overpriced and recycled content: enough with these event items! There hasnt been an original event item idea in two years, the prices have gone from 500k for the best event mount to 2m. Its ridiculous. Never mind the fact that the items are set up that the only one truly worth it is the most ridiculously expensive one, the other are just cut in half stats. I would suggest making the 1m one as powerful as what u had in mind for the 2m (or was the plan to raise it to 3m?) items, and make the items that cost 2-3m 15% or so better in stats. The price should be very high, and it shouldnt be that much of a stat increase. If players want to be better then most, they can pay for it. Thats were plat comes in. It shouldnt require 100$ in plat just to get the only good event necklace. This game should be alot more affordable for free to play players. And if the rich players can now get many more good items from events? Great! Thats exactly what should be aimed for. More variety, players having more choices. Players can show how many lux items they have from years ago. It shouldnt be a use all ur gold or not decission in every event. It should be a, ok, ill take one of everything type of event where players can enjoy the items, even if its just for fun, like the wand of hallows that throws pumkins. Event items dont all have to be the great equalizer in making non end game clan players equal to end game clan players. That could be the job of the bounty board
4.End the endless grind!: players dont want to lvl do to many factors i mentioned above, and bc they dont want to reach the current end (putting an absolutly ridiculous 100+(at the least) hours of lvling) only to hear that the lvl cap is being raised again and they cant enjoy their hard work with endgame items, rather they have to put a few 100 more hours into lvling again. Stop. Make this last lvl cap increase the last. And state it officially. Never raise the lvl cap again. Maybe lower it, and offer some MAJOR compensation to those who got to 200+. Maybe 10k plat? Make both the groups of players who would like to reach endgame without throwing out their lives and those who threw out their lives happy at the same time. Also, make lvling a lot easier. Make x2 exp a regular thing, maybe happening a set two days a week. Make gold more common in game, maybe a double gold day every week, maybe make a double gold week every month. Players enjoy these bonuses, and love the feeli that you guys are being interactive. Which leads to point four
5.Be more interactive with players base: this is the first time ive seen you guys post something like this in many month, or years. Keep it up. Do more in game messages. Commonly make discounts on items. It doesnt have to be plat. Make discounts on lix items. Make pots and idols availible for gold. Do more events. Players very much enjoy the drawing comptetions. Do more of them. Do screenshot competitions, creativity things. It makes the player base happy. Make more events. It doesnt have to be a quarter of a year thing. You can have a summer event run the same time as a triple exp week. Be fun.
6.Events should be more gold friendly: the event items shouldnt be chest only. Make the instruments and fashion availible for gold. And not for high amounts. White can be a sign of wealth, say 75k per piece. Black can be the same, just a differant colour so wealthy buyers have more choices. The other items should be like the other vendors sell for. 5-10k. Use the same concept of mounts for fashion. U can obtain sparkly white and black fashion from chests. Sparkly other colours drop from the mobs flying around. I was so happy with otm when i got a second rarest flute from one of those mobs flying around. Thats the idea. Reward the higher level players with higher rarity objects. No need to make them so uncommon. You can make special uncommon versions for chests. But the events should be a lot more fun and interactive. The main part of an event should NOT be the chests. That should be a side point for the event. And the animal mounts should NOT HAVE BETTER VERSIONS IN CHESTS. Rare items in chests has become old. Time to make everyone happy, not only big time spenders who get lucky. Good mounts should cost gold, and i should be sure i have the best mount availible when i spend 3m for it. I shouldnt feel like i got ripped off when some guy runs around with a mount 2x as good as mine in stats and looks. A major point that should be introduced is that gold items cannot be completely outdone by chest items. Chest items should be rare and special, but should not have major stat improvemnts. It should have better looks, nit stats. A gold player should be happy with what he bought.
7. Make more free to get items: there should be a way to get free items, albiet rarely. Maybe have a mob that runs around a area with random spawn times, that when defeated it becomes a mount. Announce its spawn to everyone, so everyone can get excited by the thrill of the chase. Announce the one who captures it, and let everyone give that player the grats s/he deserves. Make good endgame weapons availible from a spawn I CAN KILL MYSELF. It doesnt need to be an impossibly hard mob. It should be the type of mob that i can tell my clan " i just got a (insert rare very good weapon or armour)" the same way i can tell my clan " i just got a mount from chest! (Preferably the mount drop rates from the first summer, which comes to the last point for now)
8.Make the chances of getting a rare item from chests alot more common, like the first event was: since plat costs money, users who buy chests should be gambling at very small chances to get something worth their money. It should be a purchase for sure worth their money, with very slight chance that it wont be. The rates of the original chests were very good, and thats how they should still be.
I hope you take your time on these facts and consider them well, and i hope i contributed something to the future of this game
World- Mabon
Sopdu- 180 rogue-ranting
CelticsHero- 144 warrior-ranting
"Real leadership is leaders recognizing that they serve the people that they lead."
"no matter what we breed, we still are made of greed. This is my kingdom, come."