Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: The Evolution of CH

I get that events generate revenue, that otm makes money by releasing something new and shiny on a regular basis. And I think that is beneficial all around. But just because it isnt as shiny any more doesnt mean it should go away.

I dont think people should be able to farm skain til the end of time, that would be bad because everyone would be able to get a full set in no time.But lets say at the beginning of samhain, skain was boosted in difficulty slightly and put in a permanent spot on a longer timer, like hrung, necro, etc. Eliminate the 60, 110, 160, but keep the 210 and basically use events to introduce the new raid boss.

In time, new zones would be required to keep fitting these bosses somewhere, and loot tables would have to be expanded. This would mean the designers would make a permanent mark on ch, instead of just feeding the frivolous. Maybe the next zones would be just raid zones, tons of adds everywhere and a bunch of spots where future bosses would end up.

I just think more permanent content should be created, instead of having event content go to waste and never truly increasing horizontal content
The idea is good but the problem being if we eliminate the lower levels of a boss for a period of time then we cut out a large amount of content for lower levelled players (I'm only 94 myself I too would like to experience some Beltane content)
I'm sorry, let me clarify that I meant eliminate the lower bosses AFTER the event, for example dont bother turning 60 into a raid boss, just 210. We dont need 4 more raid bosses per event. Definately keepy the 4 lvl ranges for the events.

Then we can all experience them at end game

Re: The Evolution of CH

I'm sorry, let me clarify that I meant eliminate the lower bosses AFTER the event, for example dont bother turning 60 into a raid boss, just 210. We dont need 4 more raid bosses per event. Definately keepy the 4 lvl ranges for the events.

Then we can all experience them at end game
I generally like this idea. As you may be aware this already happens as most old event bosses (of all levels) spawn rarely. Haphazardly, and approximately one per day or two. But this system already in place could use some improvement and this is a good idea.

Also you wouldn't have to worry about too many sets if the spawn was done right. Further some events like the previous one, not a single godly charm of any type dropped on my world (pretty sure) and I'd wager a few godlies didn't drop on any world which seems a terrible waste. This could be a good fix for that.
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Re: The Evolution of CH

I like the seasonal events as they add new items to seek, however the term re-skinned is somewhat applicable in my opinion I think this is where those that are not favouring events have an issue.
Each event has compromised of the same basis.
:collect number of flowers/items to attain headwear
:kill mobs to collect items to attain novelty offhand
:event bosses tiered at 4 levels (usually tree/dragon/rock)
:new lux 100/150
:event chests with new mounts/fashion

In general all the above with a new coat of paint on, the best addition of late has been the bounty system yes it still needs work but it's early days and sure it will develop.

Rather than reskinning ostara/Beltane/samhein/Yule, rework them for completely new experience, have many different types of event setups that can be swapped around throughout the year.
I'm sure the community could come up with many different applicable ideas to revamp seasonal events for variance from one to the next
although it is not as easy as he makes it sound, he has a great point
Mattsneak Lvl 220* Rogue
Matthewgone 142 Ranger
Owner of Danu's Only Shadow Necro Dagger
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Re: The Evolution of CH

Great topic so far.

many good points
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Re: The Evolution of CH

I get that events generate revenue, that otm makes money by releasing something new and shiny on a regular basis. And I think that is beneficial all around. But just because it isnt as shiny any more doesnt mean it should go away.

I dont think people should be able to farm skain til the end of time, that would be bad because everyone would be able to get a full set in no time.But lets say at the beginning of samhain, skain was boosted in difficulty slightly and put in a permanent spot on a longer timer, like hrung, necro, etc. Eliminate the 60, 110, 160, but keep the 210 and basically use events to introduce the new raid boss.

In time, new zones would be required to keep fitting these bosses somewhere, and loot tables would have to be expanded. This would mean the designers would make a permanent mark on ch, instead of just feeding the frivolous. Maybe the next zones would be just raid zones, tons of adds everywhere and a bunch of spots where future bosses would end up.

I just think more permanent content should be created, instead of having event content go to waste and never truly increasing horizontal content
To everyone that was asking why I want to boost up to high levels, the part about removing the tree bosses except the 210 is a main reason. Low level bosses don't exist

Re: The Evolution of CH

Wouldn't it be great if the Undead Fire Titan and Giant Skeleton rule Dustwither Catacombs? or the Connacht bosses still roam Shalemont Ravine regularly?
What if Ythair settled in Crookback Hollow and took it for his own? Wouldn't it be awesome to see King Vorum take residency in Dunskieg Sewers. or brand new zones with summer and winter wyverns, spiderlords, etc.?

Years ago, events did not last for months. The first ever event Halloween 2011 lasted about 2 weeks. Christmas 2011 didn't last more than a few weeks.
However, In the last couple years, events have become more drawn out and more complex. Event content is now primarily designed to use up a lot of time like collecting thousands of quest items or very low drop rate of items so players have something to do for the entire duration.

I sometimes wonder if all the effort of redesigning Lir's Reach every event, creating all new items, mobs, quests were all redirected to making mini-expansions instead. CH would probably be three times its size by now. This game would have about 30 zones with bosses and more game content for players, old and new. across all levels

Do you think the seasonal event model has been good or bad to the evolution of CH?
+1 to everything you said
PurpleRain 226+ Mage
Vanity 227+ Druid
I can't make the World Purple when it's Gray
Beta Android Tester

Re: The Evolution of CH

Wouldn't it be great if the Undead Fire Titan and Giant Skeleton rule Dustwither Catacombs? or the Connacht bosses still roam Shalemont Ravine regularly?
What if Ythair settled in Crookback Hollow and took it for his own? Wouldn't it be awesome to see King Vorum take residency in Dunskieg Sewers. or brand new zones with summer and winter wyverns, spiderlords, etc.?

Years ago, events did not last for months. The first ever event Halloween 2011 lasted about 2 weeks. Christmas 2011 didn't last more than a few weeks.
However, In the last couple years, events have become more drawn out and more complex. Event content is now primarily designed to use up a lot of time like collecting thousands of quest items or very low drop rate of items so players have something to do for the entire duration.

I sometimes wonder if all the effort of redesigning Lir's Reach every event, creating all new items, mobs, quests were all redirected to making mini-expansions instead. CH would probably be three times its size by now. This game would have about 30 zones with bosses and more game content for players, old and new. across all levels

Do you think the seasonal event model has been good or bad to the evolution of CH?
i agree in so far that we need more areas BUT someone needs to make these and its not too simple to design complete new things and mess with scripts as you think.
I think OTM does a fine job so far and all id like to see changed is the male rogue body stance :) ,
they work on crafting, samhain , fishing and many more things be patient,
I'm looking to change the perception of people and all of the beautiful things that it brings,-Exe2k15
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Re: The Evolution of CH

Had to delete a few off topic posts.

That being said all players experiences are valid in this topic, this is not just a post for high levelled players to provide feedback.

Those at lower levels are at a point in the game where you were before, you've been in their shoes so do not attack them for simply providing feedback.

Re: The Evolution of CH

Wouldn't it be great if the Undead Fire Titan and Giant Skeleton rule Dustwither Catacombs? or the Connacht bosses still roam Shalemont Ravine regularly?
What if Ythair settled in Crookback Hollow and took it for his own? Wouldn't it be awesome to see King Vorum take residency in Dunskieg Sewers. or brand new zones with summer and winter wyverns, spiderlords, etc.?

Years ago, events did not last for months. The first ever event Halloween 2011 lasted about 2 weeks. Christmas 2011 didn't last more than a few weeks.
However, In the last couple years, events have become more drawn out and more complex. Event content is now primarily designed to use up a lot of time like collecting thousands of quest items or very low drop rate of items so players have something to do for the entire duration.

I sometimes wonder if all the effort of redesigning Lir's Reach every event, creating all new items, mobs, quests were all redirected to making mini-expansions instead. CH would probably be three times its size by now. This game would have about 30 zones with bosses and more game content for players, old and new. across all levels

Do you think the seasonal event model has been good or bad to the evolution of CH?
i agree in so far that we need more areas BUT someone needs to make these and its not too simple to design complete new things and mess with scripts as you think.
I think OTM does a fine job so far and all id like to see changed is the male rogue body stance :) ,
they work on crafting, samhain , fishing and many more things be patient,

Exe it's nice to have faith in OTM and this is a great game but the point is that the new things are already there.

Each event new bosses are designed and scripted then they disappear which seems a wasted development effort. They could fill in empty spaces in the game (eg Sewers) and give more to do for players at minimal development effort.

We really have been patient over horizontal content and this is a way to get some of that content at low cost.

I personally think all the lower event bosses should be kept not just the big Event bosses. Just an opinion though.

I hope crafting is wonderful but what if it fizzles (or takes as long as the Auction House...3 years !!!) ? We can't just rely on these few announced developments to keep the game going forward outside of Events.
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