5 rogues attend a 170 5*, 4 from different clans and one clanless. A purple horn drops, each player votes themselves most deserving of the horn, what do you do?Ehh I don't want to be rude but rolling a dice has nothing to do with democracy. Voting on each other comes closer to a democracy then a dice.Very well put Swan.
I have played Epona for 3.5 years now and wouldn't play anywhere else.
Yes there are occasional disputes with some undesirable players but generally these are few and far between.
I wouldn't swap our rolling system for any other as it is surely the most fair and democratic system there is.
Voting also favors large clans. While Eponians cooperate across clans, our friends tend to be in our own clans--it's the magic of blue text and basic psychology (if curious, look up mere exposure effect). Larger clans will vote their own members and consistently get all loot, which will anger all smaller clans, which will lead to war and break the peace.
Voting is also inefficient. Server resets, and 30 players rush to Hrung. You wanna spend 2 hours arguing who deserves an imperial heat dmg brace, while Mord is dying? The solution needs to be quick, otherwise for server resets, no one will settle with the outcome in a timely manner, who gets the drop will still be uncertain while the attendees decide to sweep other bosses.
I should clarify, loot counciling worse on a large scale. In a post a few days ago (can't find it anymore, weird) I said that loot counciling is fine for smaller clans, but upscaling it to a large clan, much less a server, is unsustainable.Each server to his own. While u said not to bash rolling, u just somewhat bashed loot counciling.
Of course Epona is far from drama free. But that's my point, that's the beauty of it, is that I can dislike some 220+ warrior and when he groups me for a boss I accept his request, and the same would happen vice versa. Somehow, I don't know how, Eponians manage to set aside their differences and group everyone present at a boss, regardless of clan.I dont play Epona so do as u wish, if u think peace is rainbows and sunshine, go check Epona forums or have Epona friends. No world is sunshine just because there are no lock fights, u can look at Lugh which had that system.
Lugh's collapse just makes Epona that much more special. It's now the last standing free server and if OTM implemented an official cross-server transfer/trade system, high levels from all servers who have gotten the short end of the competitive stick would be flocking there.