I would agree with egg if the drop rate weren't too high, nobody likes the battle mounts.... I have a good mount and wouldn't mind if other people were able to get this mount if the cashed out for it, if they did that then they can get it all they want. It would definitely bring OTM more money and raise excitement in the game, not to mention the economy in game, people would pay crap loads for some mounts.No thanks.New mounts would be better, but that is being done with battle mounts. Adding legacy mounts to chests is easy to do as they already exist. It only takes deciding on a drop rate and adding to the chest formula.
Easy isnt always the right way. Its cute that you thought about the "drop rates, formula blah blah blah" and all that but you missed out on the consequences of bringing back legacy mounts.
But on a serious note, OTM, bring seasonal events back, please, even new players like the idea of seasonal events, I have screenshots of new players saying they wish there were seasonal events because that sounds so much more enjoyable, and it WAS. now the only reason I play is so that I can level up to get dg, that is my only goal now sadly, but oh wait, oh yeh, server lag at gele... hmm...